Dear Mario,

I think we are fundamentally on the same page here.
It's true that Nehru led the country on a path to
self-destruction with his socialist agenda, but let me
put his socialism in context. Nehru although a product
of solid western education had a deep suspicion and
dislike for all things western (which didn't ofcourse
extend to Lady Mountbatten :))

After independence he wanted to distance himself from
western ideology  on priciple and unfortunately he
equated capitalism with western imperialism. Add to
this socialism was in its heydays. The stories coming
out of Russia of reform and rapid industrialisation
were compelling. We now know underneath lay rotting
poverty. On the other side of the pond, not even
Americans fifty years ago could have dreamed of the
affluence that the free market would herald. The free
market did two things, it fostered innovation and
technology and left the rest of the world behind.

Getting back to Mr Kamat. I don't know his writing but
through private emails I've been told that he is a BJP
sympathiser and his writing shows this bias. 

The fact that the Nehru family is a political dynasty
cannot be contested. But he doesn't provide a context
as to why, instead he muddies their reputation in
allegations of corruption. India is a country where
almost 60% of the population is either illiterate or
semi-literate. Their poverty and illiteracy makes them
victims of a saviour-complex and they foist their
hopes and aspirations onto this family. Indeed Sonia
is lovingly embraced by the millions of poor who see
her as a genuine person and interested in their

The Nehrus are icons in India. They are part of our
history woven into the very fabric of our Indian
consciousness. They have given us their daughter and
their son, forsaken their families and risked their
lives for us. Have you ever heard of Americans
speaking ill of Lincoln or Eisenhower or Roosevelt,
regardless of the party they belong to? The fact that
we as Indians do this frequently is telling of how
divided we are as a country and how contemptuous we
are of our history. 

I have only this to say to Mr Kamat. Shame on you,
Shame on you indeed.

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Selma,
> >
> Unfortunately, what the post-independance Nehru
> family, who were heroes and leaders in the fight for
> independance, did split was India's business class,
> for whom they had the utmost contempt.  Instead,
> they
> implemented Fabian socialism and government
> bureaucratic control over India's economy.  This
> then
> held India's economy back, caused the massive brain
> drain that has only recently slowed, and did not
> benefit most of the country until a new national
> hero,
> Manmohan Singh, was able to make important
> adjustments, which the BJP continued until Manmohan
> Singh regained control more recently, this time with
> the support of yet another Nehru family member.
> >

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