Thru this write-up I am cautioning all the would be Goan maids coming to Kuwait and elsewhere to work as Maids. The following account of a Filipina domestic appeared in the local daily Arab Times will give some information of the brutality some of the Maids are undergoing in this part of the World. Today it is for a poor 20 year Filipina girl and tomorrow it may be to any of my Goan sisters. Hence beware Goan Maids. According to the news item appeared in the Arab Times dated October 5, 2006, Miss Bainisa Sansaluna came to Kuwait exactly a year ago to work as a domestic helper to alleviate her poverty back at home but her dreams were totally shattered the moment she stepped into the house of her Kuwaiti employer. On the very first day of her arrival in the house her cruel Kuwaiti Madame took a pair of scissors and cut her long and beautiful hair and started giving her tons of household chores to do without any chance of rest. Though the poor girl was ready to do any amount of work and to any length of time but was not ready to bear the beatings, it was like living in a hell for her. The lady employer was hitting her back with a wooden stick almost everyday for no reason at all and on top of it she would take pleasure in hitting her poor servant. Moreover, the lady employer would also command her other servant who is an Indonesian to beat the Filipina servant and if the Indonesian refused to beat then the madam would beat the Indonesian as well. During her stay in that house she was not allowed to go out even to throw out the trash. She was not allowed to communicate with her family at home. Moreover she was not even paid her salary. During her long months of stay in that hellish house she was allowed to rest only once and it was on the day when her employer splashed boiling tea at her, scalding her nape and partially balding the back of her head. Without even taking her to the Clinic, the employer made the poor Filipina rest at home only on that day but on the next day she was made to work again with all the blisters and pain. Finally the ordeal of the suffering Filipina domestic helper came to an end on the day when she was left alone in her room locked by her employer for three days with only a few slices of bread to munch on. During these three days according to her confession, the Filipina servant felt desperate to leave. She was very hungry and weak. She felt like a dying candle and all her strength had been consumed. She felt hopeless. The room where they locked her was next to the roof top. Taking advantage of this she went out of the window and on reaching on top of the roof she decided to commit suicide by jumping from the roof top. It was at this moment some neighbours saw her and immediately called the police who came rushing and saved the poor Filipina girl. Then she was taken to the Police Station and after completing the necessary formalities she was handed over to the Philippines Embassy.

In response to this news item, I sent a rejoinder to Arab Times which appeared on its issue dated 11.10.06. I am reproducing the same as below:

Quote “This is in reference to the write-up in Arab Times dated 5th October 2006 regarding "Manila maid relates 9-month ordeal". First of all I admire your daily for highlighting this issue very boldly so that people are educated of the devilish sponsors who ill treat their servants so cruelly. I am surprised how the Kuwaiti madam employer of the maid dared to cut the beautiful hair of her maid!! It looks like "Les Miserables" of Victor Hugo is re-enacted where poor young girl Fantine's long and beautiful hair was cut by her employer out of jealousy. What happened in France centuries back is still copied in Kuwait by the Kuwaiti Madam. Reading the account of the Manila maid it looks to me it is nothing but misery only for her. This is not an isolated incident happening in Kuwait. During my long years of stay in Kuwait I have been hearing lot of such stories and yet it goes on and on in Kuwait thereby giving a very bad image of the society where we are living and earning our sustenance. On noticing such cruelties committed on weaker section of the society, Mahatma Gandhi once said "The greatness of a society lies in the treatment it metes out to its weaker section". What treatment are we giving to our weaker section? I feel ashamed to be a part of the society that harbours such cruel employers. It is the responsibility of all the civilised people residing in Kuwait to circulate this news appeared in Arab Times to their compatriots back home in their countries so that every prospective maid or any domestic coming to work in Kuwait is alerted. I on my part will surely circulate this news to my home country so that everybody back home will take note of the cruelties some people are perpetrating on innocent domestics. Maids and other domestics are not slaves to treat them the way mediavel aristocrats treated once upon a time. Every expatriate who is coming to Kuwait to work should be treated with respect and dignity. Expatriates come to Kuwait not as beggars or as slaves. They are coming to Kuwait to sell their services and as such their coming to Kuwait is nothing but a commercial transaction. Every expatriate who comes to Kuwait is brought to Kuwait by his employer and sponsor only and that too for his own benefit and as such there is no favour involved.

But we have to remember that "Only a fraction of the Kuwaitis are indulging in meting out cruelties to their domestic servants". Because of few cruel Kuwaitis the image of entire Kuwaiti society is getting tarnished. Hence, it is the responsibility of every Kuwaiti to work towards eradication of such cruelties committed by their fellow citizens on expatriates especially on domestic servants who hardly get any protection from the law. Those who ill treat their servants and employees are committing a sin against their own religion” Unquote.

Since my coming to Kuwait I have been hearing and reading lot of stories of maltreating of our sisters and mothers working in Kuwait as domestic servants. They have been raped and physically assaulted. To take action on their employers is not an easy task because victims and their relatives are not in position to take action. If the Filipina maid had to commit suicide her traumatic experience would have gone unnoticed and it would be dubbed as she committed suicide either because of running away from her employer in search of better job or something else. And in this case who would fight for her case? The maids who are coming to work here in Kuwait first must find out the standard, discipline and character of their prospective employers. Direct recruitment is better than thru Agency. Agency supplied maids are treated like animals, for Agencies human dignity is least important, what matters to them is money and money only. If anything goes wrong our Embassy is very weak to take action. When a Filipina is sentenced for capital punishment a high level delegation or even cabinet rank minister comes to Kuwait to probe this incident and find a solution to save his compatriot but when any Indian is found in such a situation nobody bothers. A few years back when our Goan brother Araujo was sentenced to death for committing double murder in the bus his brother went to Indian Embassy asking for filing Mercy Petition but he was treated very shabbily by Indian Embassy. Our Embassy is not doing what other Embassies are doing, this is the general opinion of the Indians in Kuwait. Besides, the Safe House kept by Indian Embassy for the run -a - way maids due to maltreatment by their employers was already closed by the Indian Embassy and in view of this there is no place for the run -away maids to take refuge. In case any of our maids is found in problem her closest and dearest should be contacted first in Kuwait. The newly appointed NRI Commissioner in Goa Mr. Edward Faleiro will surely help the suffering maids thru his good offices. Mr. Faleiro is holding the cabinet rank and he can contact the Indian Embassy for any eventuality. Besides, Edward Faleiro is also morally obligated to support Kuwait Goans because once during the invasion of Kuwait his election campaign was supported and financed by Kuwait Goan Evacuees Society.

Many of our priests and Tiatrists are regularly coming to Kuwait to make money and to collect funds. Unfortunately none of them study the problems we are facing here and highlight it back home in Goa to alert the people in Goa. By associating with tiatrists and even speaking to them from close angle on this topic I found them that they are totally disinterested on such topics. The topics of most of them is how to misbehave and enjoy at the cost of innocent Goans in Kuwait. I can understand this attitude from many of the tiatrists who are intellectually bankrupt and socially and educationally backward whose scope of horizon is nothing beyond the stage but surely I cannot understand why the visiting priests are not doing much on this topic. Many times visiting priests are acting like hungry for money and other luxuries. Their interest many times I noticed only in collecting funds and other financial benefits from Goans in Kuwait especially from the poor domestics. A few years back one visiting priest while preaching from the Alter asked the congregation thus “if you are interested in giving me anything then please give it soon because tomorrow I am leaving for Goa”. For this reason, the former Bishop of Kuwait prohibited visiting Goan priests from fund collecting. So much so he even stopped Fr. Freddy from organizing his Tiatro in the Church Hall saying it is not the job of a priest to stage tiatros but to serve the community and poor Goan community in Kuwait needs more help and not Tiatros. Some of the visiting priests come to Kuwait as guests of their former mistresses. In view of this how they will apply their minds in studying the sufferings and difficulties people are undergoing in Kuwait? What some of the visiting priests know from here is only a fraction of the whole.

When we started a movement in Goa against the invasion and in support of the liberation of Kuwait, our opponents including some Arabs asked me "why you are raising your voice in support of Kuwait when Kuwaitis are treating your domestics so badly?” My answer to them was this that though I condemn the maltreatment of our maids in Kuwait but I will not stop from condemning Iraq and I will not stop from supporting the liberation of Kuwait. Maids issue and Kuwait’s issue are two different and independent issues. One cannot be linked with the other. Though I strongly condemn the maltreatment of domestics and expatriates.

A.Veronica Fernandes,

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