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Hi Carmo,

You really do have difficulty in providing facts when asked for, and it is 
you who continue to embarass yourself in this forum.I have provided you with 
the latest official statsics from the National Science foundation but you 
have provided me with a research article that says just

(quote)"Indeed, in a number of highly ranked engineering schools, 
international students account for nearly 80 percent of doctoral students, 
while in fields such as law they rank as low as one percent"(endquote)

How does this prove to anyone but the mentally challeneged that of the 900 
doctorates awarded in computer science 80 % are awared to Indians?

You further provide proof of your ignorance when you claim that Information 
Science and Computer Science are wholly unrelated. In most colleges in India 
as well as abroad the degree is called Computer and Information Sciences. I 
have done my Bachelors in Engineering in India and am doing my Masters in 
the UK, I am well aware of techinical courses and degrees.

Then we are given this gem " ...I quoted was restricted to the very highly 
skilled field of COMPUTER SCIENCE - instead you referred to aggregates of 
the relatively easier fields of computer/ electrical engineering which are 
typically dominated by white Americans.."

Do you ever read what you write?? Can you provide any data to support your 
claim that Computer Science is more difficult than Computer/Electrical 
engineering?? Are you aware that software companies in India provide first 
preference to Computer Engineers rather than BSc./MSc graduates in Computer 
Science. I had asked you to wake up to the real world once before, but 
obviously your eyes are still shut.

Finally, your complete ignorance is revelaled in your below statement

(quote)"But for us IITians, our educated guesses and speculations are as 
good or better than painstaking research done by you  non-engineers."(quote)

There is no use arguing with such garbage!

Did your brain perhaps get a bit mushy while praciticing hanging upside down 
from crosses or is the foam annd froth still in your eyes.

Sunith Velho

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