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Stop that whining near my ear
Skeeter diseases, trivia and origins
By Cecil Pinto

"It's that time of the year again."

"You mean the time when the beach shack owners 
complain about the new fees and the Government rolls back the increase?"

"No! No! That time has passed. It was a technique 
perfected by Parrikar and followed ever since. 
Make an unpopular rule with no actual intention 
of implementing it. Wait for the protests. Draw 
back the rule. You end up smelling good. The 
shack fees have already been brought down. It's 
when the lots are drawn for the limited shack 
allotments that the fireworks will start again. 
This time we have the Traditional Shack Owners 
opposed to the New Kids on The Beach. Anyone 
running a shack for more than five years is 
claiming it is a traditional family occupation 
and hence he need not go through the lottery 
system and should be allotted a permanent shack 
license for perpetuity. It's nice to know that 
old traditions like farming and fishing are being 
replaced by the nouveau tradition of shacking. 
The new tenants-for-life are here already."

"Imagine the scenario twenty years down the line. 
You ask a young Goan beach bum, 'Hello son, what 
is your traditional family occupation?'. 'We are 
shackers'. 'Surely you mean your family runs a 
shack?'. 'No we own a shack license for life'. 
'So then why aren't you at your shack?'. 'We 
sublet it to Mumbai yuppies or foreigners every 
year. They just want a place to chill out and 
invite their friends. They're so rich they don't 
need to make a profit. Everyone's happy!' But 
that's not what I was talking about anyway…"

  "Are you talking about the South Goa Tourist 
Taxi Drivers coming out on the streets, blocking 
traffic, harassing tourists, threatening hotels 
and basically giving the whole tourism industry a bad name?"

"No! No! That will happen much later, somewhere in end-November."

"Then are you talking about Indian tourists 
drowning all over Goa's coast line?"

"No! No! That was in the monsoons. They should be 
classified as suicide deaths as only a suicidal 
person would venture into the seas when it's 
raining. But yes I am talking about death and 
disease, but regarding locals. It's that time of 
the year for mosquito borne diseases to make the 
headlines. In fact instead of the Flame Throated 
Bulbul it would be better if the mosquito was 
appointed as Goa's state bird. Do you know that 
worldwide mosquitoes have caused more death than 
all despots and diseases put together?  I'm not 
quite sure though in Goa whether our bloodsucking 
politicians have not caused as much suffering as the deadly mosquito."

As though malaria, encephalitis, yellow fever, 
filarisis. etc were not enough we now have dengue 
and chickungunya to deal with. Last week my young 
son was running a slight fever and like any 
responsible parent I surfed the Net to find out 
the correct pronunciation of dengue. It gave me 
immense joy, after the doctor gave his grandiose 
diagnosis of safety, to politely tell him that he 
pronounced the word 'dengue' wrongly. The doctor 
may have impressive framed degrees, a sexy 
receptionist, an air conditioned consulting room, 
and can keep me waiting, but I know how to 
pronounce dengue properly - and he doesn't. So there!

Outbreaks resembling dengue fever have been 
reported throughout history. Although the first 
case report of the disease dates back from 1989, 
the term 'dengue' is a Spanish attempt at the 
Swahili phrase 'ki denga pepo', meaning 'cramp- 
like seizure caused by an evil spirit'. It 
emerged during a Caribbean outbreak in 1827-1828.
If you find that explanation for the word origin 
weird check this out regarding 'chikungunya', for 
which there is neither vaccine nor cure. It was 
in Tanzania, in 1953, that chikungunya was first 
officially identified by the world medical 
community. That is how its name, published in 
English in 1954, happened to come from the 
Makonde language of southern Tanzania and 
northern Mozambique on the east coast of Africa. 
In Makonde, chikungunde is said to mean 'that 
which folds up' and refers to the crippling of 
the joints. No other word of Makonde has entered 
English. The disease is often referred to as 
'chicken guinea' but this is a mnemonic device 
rather than connected to any etymology.
But why go that far. Check the origin of the word 
mosquito itself. Both 'mosquito' and 'musket' can 
be traced back to 'musca', the Latin (and 
Konkani) word for fly.. This became mosca in 
Spanish and Portuguese, Romance languages that 
developed from Vulgar Latin. Mosquito, the 
diminutive of mosca, was borrowed into English 
(first recorded around 1583) with the same sense 
'mosquito' that it had in Spanish and Portuguese. 
Of course given time I could also prove that the 
Portuguese muscatel - a type of grape wine, 
Muscat in Oman and the Three Musketeers are all 
connected to the Konkani 'muscacheo sango' - 
drumsticks and the American word for mosquito, 
'skeeter'! Let's not go there. Suffice it to say 
that both a mosquito and a musket have a long 
dangerous barrel, take time to reload, and can not just sting but kill too.

'Mosquito bites' is a slang term for small… 
Naaah! Let's not go there either. But it does 
remind me that, like among human beings, it is 
the female mosquito that is dangerous - and sucks 
blood to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes on the 
other hand feed on plant juices and nectar and 
are mostly into copulation - followed by death. 
Funny isn't it, we humans eat eggs to get protein 
into our blood while a female mosquito sucks 
blood to produce eggs. A human being's sexual 
orgasm is referred to as 'le petit mort' and it 
is temporary. A male mosquito actually dies after 
sex - at least in many mosquito species. What a way to go!

Next week we interview Leena from Baga. Excerpt: 
"I don't know any Hollywood celebrities. I named 
by vegetable shop Brinja-Leena  because I like brinjals!"

The hunour column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 19th October 2006


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