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Sorry to note that you have not read the papers cited
by Jayant. Let me assure you that they do not describe
the so-called mouse experiment that you claimed was
done a few years ago. Indeed, one of the papers, the
1994 one from Judah Folkman's lab completely refutes
your claim about the involvement of the immune system.
Please refer to Jayant's response for the correct
citations. You can go to any medical school library
and photocopy those papers. Nowadays, all libraries
have self-service coin or card operated xerox
machines. It is very simple to use them.

Now, as far as papers involving lung tumors and
survival in mice is concerned, as promised in my last
post, I will email you privately a list of all
pertinent papers since 1957. There is also a 1910
paper and a 1913 one. I have not perused the latter
two. Again, please go to a medical library and get
your own xerox copies. 

Since you may not be familiar with mouse experiments,
I will be happy to help you if you have any difficulty
in understanding them. Upon reading them carefully and
understanding them you will realize that none of the
experiments described in them fit your description of
the so-called mouse experiment. In fact, you will find
that some of the papers published in the 1960s and 70s
directly contradict what you claimed in your erroneous



 --- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I look forward to reading the four or five papers
> and your comments and discussion on EACH of them. 
> Very likely, as soon as Jayant sent you his post,
> you read these papers and undertook a detailed and
> critical analysis of the data and conclusions. 
> Hence, this chore of mailing to me the material
> (that you have) should be 'a piece of cake'. 
> Similarly if your protege Sunith (and others) did
> this research, he is welcome to e-mail / mail me his
> analysis of the data and conclusions of his reading
> of these papers.  
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