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I have carefully read and hopefully digested your views on
Indegenization of the Catholic Liturgy  in India.

However, being a layman and a simple one at that, I ask the following
two questions:

a) If I am Goan and I want to invite my Italian neighbor to my house
for a weekend dinner, do I make it attractive for him by telling him I
will have an Italian spread, or a Goan one? Further, do I make a
botched attempt at cooking shrimp pasta, beef lasagna and vegetable
canneloni or do I make the xacuti and sorpotel with sannas that I am
so adept at doing.

b) Given the fact that practising theology in the slums of India
necessitates that the mass must be indegenized, how would the same
mass be justified by being offered in a middle class
Italian-Portuguese area of an affluent western country? Because this
is where the whole thread originated.

Thanks and regards

On 10/29/06, Basilio G Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Inculturation/Indigenization/Indianization of the Catholic Liturgy in India

> 3- Throughout the millennia Catholic liturgy has been contextualized in
> various degrees in indigenous culture. This process, unfortunately, turns
> out to be a politicized process, and thus subject to the push and pull
> dynamics led by various influential/power groups. But, ces't la vie!
> 4- The efforts to indigenize Catholic Liturgy in Asia, and in this case in
> India, goes back to the days of the Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci, who arrived
> in Goa around 1580, subsequently sent to Macao than to China.
> 5- Contemporary efforts to indigenize Catholic Liturgy in India were led
> after the Vatican Council II, particularly by Fr. Amalorpavadas. The efforts
> continue till today.
> 6- Using Indian traditional customs, whether it is aarti - incensing or
> sitting on the floor or wearing a shawl instead of the Roman vestments, is
> nothing Hindu about it.
> 7- Why indigenize liturgy? Christ is universal/cosmic, and expressions of
> faith are culture bound. Romanized liturgy may be good for the westernized
> or Romanized Catholics in India, but the work of evangelization (not
> proselitization) continues through symbols and expressions, which people can
> relate to.
> 8- Those who do theology sitting in the slums of India understand the
> significance, sacredness, and urgency of the indigenous symbols in
> expressing ones faith and resonating this faith with others. Those who do
> theology sitting in the ivory towers do have some difficulty understanding
> the value and sacredness of indigenization. But, that is human.. and the
> work continues....
> Meanwhile let us be thoughtful how we characterize or describe events or
> situations, lest we make a mountain out of a molehill.
> Basilio Monteiro
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