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Dear Roland:
Simple answers:

a) Liturgical celebration cannot be compared to having a meal. Liturgy is a 
profound exercise of daily sanctification. You feed your guest whatever you 
want or what the guest prefers. And have a great time in each others 

b) You made the point.The indigenized liturgy in one cultural context, will 
not be used in another cultural context. The Italian-Portuguese folks of an 
affluent western country already have their liturgy. The prevailing Roman 
liturgy is just that; it came about from the indigenous culture of 
"Italian-Portuguese of an affluent western country."

c) You say "Because this is where the whole thread originated" - I am sorry, 
I did not understand it.

d) Mass/Eucharist is not and cannot be indigenized; it is the 
CELEBRATION/EXPRESSION of the Mass, which calls, and always called for 
indigenization. Form versus substance. While the substance remains the same, 
it is the form that makes the human connection with those participating in 
the celebration. Hence, inculturation, indigenization.

Basilio Monteiro

However, being a layman and a simple one at that, I ask the following
two questions:

a) If I am Goan and I want to invite my Italian neighbor to my house
for a weekend dinner, do I make it attractive for him by telling him I
will have an Italian spread, or a Goan one? Further, do I make a
botched attempt at cooking shrimp pasta, beef lasagna and vegetable
canneloni or do I make the xacuti and sorpotel with sannas that I am
so adept at doing.

b) Given the fact that practising theology in the slums of India
necessitates that the mass must be indegenized, how would the same
mass be justified by being offered in a middle class
Italian-Portuguese area of an affluent western country? Because this
is where the whole thread originated. 

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