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I feel privileged to be able to make the following
announcement on behalf of Casa de Goa , Lisbon , 

     Do circulate this post..to Goan Associations 
you may know.


rene barreto
TOGETHER we build a better GOANWORLD.



Casa de Goa , in Lisbon , intendeds to hold a CONVENTION
bringing together Goans from all over the world to spend a
weekend in Portugal discussing issues of common interests.
We wish to celebrate the many positive contributions Goans
have made to the countries in which they have lived for
many years and where their children were born and brought

Since we have no idea of how many people would be
interested in joining us , we thought it better to post
this initial information beginning a consultation process
that will enable us to identify the number of delegates
willing to participate and also to present and share their
experience in the reception countries. 

1. Dates: 14th/16 April 2007

2, Venue : Lisbon or a neighboring locality 
( depending on the number of participants) 

3. Aims

> To celebrate the Goan diaspora and the contributions to
the societies in which we live.

> To reinforce second and third generation Goans in their
efforts to keep Goan culture alive.

4. Delegates

Delegates should be nominated by legally constituted 
Goan associations. Since 2nd and 3rd generation Goans 
are expected  to make a huge  contributions to the
discussion , we would greatly encourage each association to
nominate 2 representatives from different generations. 

5. Themes

We would be very glad if some of the participants 
would be willing to make presentation in order to share
their creative experiences in fields like:

> Fine arts
> Literature
> Music 
> Education
> Entrepreneurship
> Media
> Information Technologies
> Volunteering 

We are not not a research institution and therefore 
we do not wish to promote an academic or scientific 
event. What we really want is to organise an interactive 
dialogue to share  our achievements , on one hand, and 
to encourage our children and grandchildren to hold the
torch of  *Goanity* alive in the future whatever that might
 mean in different economic , social and cultural contexts,


We are in the process of negotiating a full package for the
weekend but we have to know how many people would 
need hotel booking.

6. Contacts

We would be very grateful if potential participants would
indicate their interest by dropping us a line to Casa de
Goa's email address , during the month of November


Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.


 Prof.Dr.Narana Coissoro ,
 President of the Board of Directors.

Casa de Goa , 
Lisbon , 



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