Just for the record, Roland, I don't see enough of TV nor bother with
advertising-generated stereotypes to feel uncomfortable about my
age/experience/appearance. If you read me closely, I was just
complaining that my age is not taken seriously enough. So, thanks but
no thanks for the advice you so kindly proferred. --FN
PS: Can we form an "oldies" club out here... just to fight the age-ism
(as bad as racism or genderism and speciesism) of most Goanetters? In
the West, you guys worship youth. In the East, we respect age and
experience! So it's a perception gap....

On 06/11/06, Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frederick,
> For that grey beard, try Godrej's carcinogenic hair dye, guaranteed to
> make you never need a shave again.
> For that bald or balding pate, try Rogaine, good not only for hair
> regeneration but also for your blood pressure that arises when Cecil
> gets as tight as a drum courtesy of Goa's fine liquors.

> On 11/5/06, Frederick FN Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Since I have a mental age of 72 (soon to be 73), I don't understand
> > why you'll guys are berating me and making me younger than my years! I
> > earned every grey-hair in my beard (and lost every hair on my head)
> > the hard way! FN
FN 9822122436 +91-832-240-9490 (phone calls after 1 pm please)
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