--- Roland Francis writes:
> >
> > She, Victoria, is equally intelligent, a little
> > too too logical for a woman but defintely 
> > politically correct and blah blah, blah,
> > just like the majority of the fairer species.
> >
> > When I rant at home about the driving habits of
> > the Chinese or the lack of family values of the 
> > West Indians or the pronunciations of the
> > Filipinos, she is immediately on my case, saying
> > "dad, you are a racist, dad you are too old, or 
> > dad you're out of it.". He on the other hand, 
> > will immediately butt in saying "dad is just 
> > telling it as he sees it.
> On 11/8/06, Sunith Velho wrote:
> >
> > Contrary to your opinion, I think women are
> > extremely logical and calculating (more so than 
> > most men!) in most matters, except when these 
> > involve their spouses/boyfriends or clothes. You 
> > daughter's present/future suitors will soon learn 
> > that!
> >
> > Also from your post it seems like you are not the
> > only one in your family who is "telling it as he 
> > sees it", your daughter has inherited his trait
> > too.
> >
Mario observes:
Thank God for Victoria Francis who obviously has the
common sense to recognize and speak out against her
father's apparent penchant for gratuitous stereotyping
- "fairer" species [???], driving habits of the
Chinese [???], the lack of family values of the West
Indians [???], the pronunciations of the Filipinos
[???] - whereas the other acorn seems to have fallen
much closer to the tree.  
"Telling it as he sees it?"  I know several Chinese,
West Indian and Filipino immigrants in the US and
cannot recognize any one of these stereotypes.

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