 2006 * * * Y  E  A  R * * * O  F * * * T  H  E * * * S  E  N  I  O  R
Goa Sudharop Annual Awards on November 20, 2006 @ Mandovi Hotel @ 4:30pm
            Chief Guest: Dr. Asha Vishwanath Sawardekar

    A series of essays as a tribute to Goan Seniors can be found at:


The new foot-ball season of Kuwait Indian Foot-ball Federation has already started a week back. This is the 27th season of competitive soccer for Indians at Sour Ground. The first tournament was initiated in 1979 in July by United Goans Football Center and it was organized on League Cum Knock–Out basis which was won by the then powerful team Goan Sporting. Since Goans are known to be great lovers of soccer which they have inherited from their colonial masters Portuguese, the greater role at Sour grounds soccer was played by Goans only. Most of the teams and players are from Goa and of Goan origin. UG is the oldest team since 1979 it is still surviving, followed by G.O.A. Maroons which came a year later while all other teams that took part in the inception year tournament are already gone into extinction. In the initial stages for about 6 years these tournaments were organized in the afternoons but later on shifted to mornings. Some of the finest Indian players who played at Sour Grounds in the earlier stages were the representatives of their top professional clubs, States and Nation back in India. The early tournaments had great quality because during those days players were of very high grade, they played beautiful soccer, they had soccer artistry in them and were seasoned in Goa before coming to Kuwait.

In the beginning Kuwait Indian Foot-ball Federation was not in existence, neither Indian Football Referees Association, both these bodies came at later stages. The late J.P. D’Mello a high caliber soccer administrator and a great Referee of international repute who worked in Kuwait for some years was instrumental in forming IFRA and Lawry Pinto with the backing of JP and many others were instrumental in forming KIFF. From behind the curtain as seen by a few I have also played a very constructive role in forming KIFF from day one when we organized our first meeting in the Church big hall and also in the promotion of this soccer. One of the major reasons for the popularity of this soccer was the excellent role played by the local English Press, Konkani Monthly Magazine “Gulab”, “Goa Today” Monthly, “Goa Post” Weekly and other Goan publications. I was very much instrumental in highlighting this soccer activities in all the above mentioned Papers and Magazines since the inception of our Sour Grounds soccer. Gulab Magazine about 20 years back even issued a special edition on the history and development of this soccer, the entire contents were written by me. Many of the Chief Guests who attended the final matches at Sour Grounds were people of high reputation including Indian Ambassadors and other Kuwaiti dignitaries. The most memorable person who once came as Chief Guest with his entourage and bodyguards for the final of Ida Ferns Memorial Tournament organized by Sheikh Agnelo’s club was Brazilian Coach of Kuwait National Team, Mr. Lopes. And when given a choice to select “The Man of the Match”, he selected the then beautiful and brilliant Goan Player from Majorda – Goa, Cajetan Godinho.

Recent events at Sour Grounds do not speak well of the soccer at Sour Grounds. Some of the teams are involved in things which harm the interest of soccer. The sponsors must take note of this otherwise the image of them and their products will go down. Betting is very rampant and because of this match fixing is also going on. Another worst attribute that I noticed recently is the Casteism factor playing a significant role in one particular team. This particular Team named after their villages in Goa is boasting of their cast factor saying “ours is the only team at Sour Grounds having higher caste status, that is of Chaddo Caste”. Chaddo or Maddo, what is important is not to label caste factor for soccer team but to behave with high discipline befitting high caste status. Those who create rowdism on and off the field are disgracing their so called high caste status. When I first came to Kuwait 3 decades back caste factor was very much rampant amongst Goans because those so called casteist Goans of those days were socially, educationally, morally and intellectually backward and to overcome these deficiencies they used to take fake protection in their so called high caste factor. Incidentally, if you carefully watch the treatment we get in Kuwait the so called casteists should feel ashamed to remain in Kuwait. It surprised me that such caste practices are still prevalent in Kuwait amongst Goans. According to my observation overwhelming majority of those who believe and boast of their so called high caste status in Kuwait are weak people, cowards of first grade, drunkards of highest degree, intellectually bankrupt, crooks of first order, womenisers and practioneers of concubinage. They feel proud to boast of their so called high caste status but do not feel ashamed to flirt with low caste females to satisfy their sexual aptitudes. Many of them take pride in their “Battkarpon” back home in Goa but do not feel ashamed to face worst than “Mundkarpon” in Kuwait. Once somebody said “I am a Chaddo from Goa and I don’t enter the toilet used by “Pedo”. For him I replied, thus “you being a Chaddo you act worst than a Pedo because the actions of your caste in Goa are disgraceful. At least Pedo’s actions are far better because by traditional profession inherited from his forefather, Pedo buries the dead bodies in the Cemetry legally and officially befitting the Christian religious rites but people of your Chaddo Caste back home in your village illegally dig the graves of dead man, excavate the already dead buried bodies of low caste in the cemetery and dump the same at the entrance of your village Church against the teachings of Christianity. These are the shameless Christians who act so disgracefully to protect their caste system as if they are come from some external planet. Because of caste system humiliations, we don’t get now services of Goan Grave Diggers to work as Pedos in most of the Churches in Goa and we have to rely on the services of Ghanttis to dig graves for our dead. Gradually time will come for our dead bodies to be cremated. People once of lower castes are in rebellion against the pride of high caste who are losing grounds in Goan community. Earlier to work as cooks, butlers and waiters was the job of lower strata of Goan society but what I saw in my own eyes at Taj in Sinquerim soon after its inauguration was that very many young boys who took up the jobs in the kitchen were from Bamon category. Earlier the job of a Maid was done by a woman from low strata of Goan community but later on I noticed some of the Maids working in Kuwait were from Bamon strata.

Once, when I first came to Kuwait, I approached a person in his organisation for a job. He was a Goan from Divar a stronghold of pirated Brahmins. Because of my good educational background, meticulous presentation and good manners he assumed that I am also a member of his caste and immediately volunteered to employ me saying “I am happy to engage you because I prefer young boys from my caste". With surprise, I asked him what is his caste? He said “Bamonn”. I said sorry, I am not. For this answer of mine he too was surprised. Then I said if you evaluate candidate’s credentials on the basis of caste, please let me go back. He was very much embarassed. Then I asked him what you mean by Bamon? He said Bamon means Brahmin and they are highest in caste hierarchy. I said I am the lowest and yet I have qualities of highest which you lack and moreover I went ahead saying “you are not qualified to call yourself as Brahmin because you do not belong to the Priestly Class of People. Neither you are properly educated nor appropriately charactered’. 30 years back there was one Almeida – a Bamon - from Saligao in one big organization holding top position. During the interview of new Goan applicant he used to ask the applicant his caste and accordingly used to make assessment of the candidate. Bamon and Chaddo were given preferential treatment by him. Almeida then went to Canada because many of the candidates whom he failed purposely threatened him if he came to Goa. In fact genuine Brahmins are educated, of good character and of priestly class. But are the so called Brahmins really qualified to be Brahmins when they are not educated, not of good character and not of priestly class? Surely they are not, especially when they are Christians which preaches love and brotherhood and rejects casteism. And those who cannot integrate with the lowest they will never integrate with Christ because Christ belonged to the lowest and integrated with the lowest. Caste system is the cornerstone of Hinduism which is full of discriminations based on Castes which is again based on professions. Nowadays, as I witnessed, Grave Diggers profession is done by Bamon of digging the graves and high castes professions are carried by once low castes and caste discriminations are cleaned bowled. But surprisingly they are still in existence amongst Goans in Kuwait. But who follows them? Only the third class Goans whose contribution in the development and promotion of Goan community is minus Zero. They don’t serve community but their own caste because they are selfish. None of the so called casteists in Kuwait associated with us in our movements in the cause of Goa, Konkani and Kuwait because they are all round weak. One of the Goans who claimed to be of higher caste than me said that he is superior and I am inferior because of his little higher caste factor as if he is come from Royal family background. But he forgot to know that caste factor is not the correct barometer to evaluate quality of any person. My question to him is “if you are of higher caste category than why you are deceiving your wife by having a concubine of lower caste category to the extent that your poor and innocent wife had to resort to send me a confidential email to help her in locating your concubine?” The greatness of high caste is not expressed in boastful manner but it is displayed in great actions. A legitimate son of his legitimate high caste father will never boast of his caste loudly but silently thru his good deeds. By barking like dogs at others who are of low caste means disgracing one’s own caste. In my life I always ran over the so called high castes who were degrading others and I could do that because I maintained my dignity, character, discipline and morality which the so called casteists have failed and hence they take fake protection in their caste factor which has no importance in the modern organized civilized society. Because of casteism Goa suffered a lot. The creation of Dayananda Bandodkarism and Maharastravadi Gomantakism was the result of the revolt of Bahujan Samaj against Brahminism and Chaddoism or against the arrogance of high casteism. The birth of Independente Church of Cuncolim under the rebel priest from Carmona Pr. Alvito Vaz was the disgraceful outcome of Casteism. The most disgraceful Goan politicians who disgraced Goan politics were from the so called Bamon and Chardo castes, one of them was the then dirty CM who made way for BJP to usurp power in Goa and the other the stupid madame MLA who propped up the strength of the looters PDF Government of Dr. Barbosa for her own selfish ends.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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