 2006 * * * Y  E  A  R * * * O  F * * * T  H  E * * * S  E  N  I  O  R
Goa Sudharop Annual Awards on November 20, 2006 @ Mandovi Hotel @ 4:30pm
            Chief Guest: Dr. Asha Vishwanath Sawardekar

    A series of essays as a tribute to Goan Seniors can be found at:


Please forward this to all Goans all over the world. This is to make them 
aware what is happening in Goa.

PLAN OF GOA recently released in August 06.

When a plan for the entire state of Goa has taken more than 8 years to 
formulate and allows for a 29% increase in settlement zoning we assume its 
done with much study and deliberation. When an additional 21% settlement 
zoning is added in a matter of 5 months after hearing 'objections', we 
believe there is something drastically wrong! This 21% represents more than 
7 crore 20 lakh square meters, of which much is in forests, mangroves, CRZ 
areas and communidade land.

A string of issues have cropped up when the final plan 2001-2011 was 
examined. Vast differences have been noted as opposed to the draft shown to 
public in November 2005.

A Regional plan is a zoning plan that takes studies of natural resources, 
population growth and policies into account before laying out carefully the 
land use as zones. Needless to say that

a- The plan is prepared using studies of patterns of use in general. It is a 
Government document and is NOT TO ENTERTAIN private applications for change 
in land use.

b- It is to be supported by a document explaining these patterns/studies and 
the zoning on the plan.

c- Being on such a large scale even small changes in zoning translate to 
lakhs of square meters and have great implications.

The plan was supposedly to be in force by 2001 for the period of ten years, 
it has been made final 6 years late in 2006.

What was shown in the draft to public is a far cry from the final plan 
released this august.

Wholesale and massive changes of approx. 7crore 25 lakh square meters have 
been affected in 5 months, from the time of hearing objections of the Draft 
Plan to the time of finalization and has been done without public notice.

The plan when printed was refused to some people who applied for it under 
the RTI act.

(something to hide?)

Interestingly when viewed in isolation it is virtually impossible for a lay 
person to understand the changes that have been affected.

Areas zoned as settlement/industry have violated all norms and regulations -

1- CRZ and coastline issues

2- Forest issues as it seeks to circumvent the process of notification of 
forests before it is complete (as directed  by the Supreme Court). Despite 
this, huge areas have been demarcated in forest areas where there is little 
or no settlement already.

3- Mangroves have been shown as settlement.

4- Huge areas of forested/orchard area have been notified for IT Parks even 
as an erstwhile IT zone at Dona Paula has drawn little interest over the 
last few years, by Governments own admission. To top it all this 
notification was done for acquiring land under an emergency clause that does 
not allow people to object, and this was done even before the regional plan 
was finalized.

5- Areas under joint ownership of Gaunkars of the villages has been changed 
without their knowledge. These lands are governed by the unique and ancient 
communidade codes prevalent long before the Portuguese arrived and cannot be 
sold or converted, only leased for agriculture.

6- Earlier reports have been published on how the Government has sought to 
protect endangered species by not allowing development within 1km of Olive 
Ridley nesting areas. Despite this settlement zoning has been shown next to 
a famous Olive Ridley turtle nesting site.

Furthermore, mining outlines have been conveniently deleted, hence what we 
read as forests may actually be mines. This is supposedly on another map.

This has been accompanied by a document with outdated data and ridiculous 
ideas such as the introduction of 6 new townships, two in or near known 
forests and sanctuaries, with nothing known about them except that they 
would have five star hotels, and Golf courses. These HAVE NOT EVEN BEEN 
REFLECTED IN THE PLAN, even as this document seeks to explain the reasons 
behind the plan/map.

The key people involved have made mumbling excuses when contacted by 
newsgroups and the Town & Country Planning minister Mr. Babush Monserrat is 
mostly unavailable for comment, leaving others to defend the plan. The Chief 
minister Mr. Pratapsingh Rane has gone on record to say that Goa is already 
covered by 34% forest area, and there is no need for more...??

He refers to obvious green cover which belongs to the area shortlisted as 
one of the 12 biodiversity  hotspots in the world. Goa is part of 1.4% of 
the worlds premium landmass which by definition contains nearly half of all 
plant species and a third of all terrestrial vertebrate species on earth, 
and is under threat. This 1.4% houses the last of what the world has to 
offer in terms of connection to our evolutionary past, and within are locked 
secrets of medicine and nature we have not yet fully understood. It is 
obvious then that what forest cover we have is anyway to little.

We have comparative maps and details to show the gross misuse of power by 
responsible offices of Government, and believe that only by allowing vested 
interests to tamper with the plan have they reached these astounding 
proportions. Goa has a meager population of 1.3 million and already cannot 
handle its infrastructure of garbage, roads and electricity, nor has the 
Government expressed much interest in doing so. Such arbitrary acts as 
carried out in the regional plan spell doom for this green state and the 
quality of life therein. At this point it is imperative in whichever way 
possible to make people aware of this method of greed and stop it. This is a 
bad precedent for the country.

Reboni Saha
Concerned member
Goa Heritage Action Group

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