--- "Frederick \"FN\" Noronha" wrote:
> http://ask.yahoo.com/20001115.html
> What is the Pope's salary?
> Josh
> El Paso, Texas
> Dear Josh:
> A search on "Pope salary" lead us to a thread from a
> message board, where someone had posed just that 
> question.  According to one reply, the Pope's 
> compensation consists of, "a place to stay and 
> something to eat. I'm sure he does not receive a 
> salary as you or I would think of a paycheck."
Mario observes:
You guys are kidding, right?  You can't be serious!
"A place to stay and something to eat!"  For "Il Papa
Benny XVI"?  The dapper gentleman with the flowing
white robe, skull cap, custom fit Gucci shoes, and a
shy smile that says, "Mama Mia!  I can't believe I
just slammed those Muslims again!  Whatssa matter with
ROTFLMAO [see footnote], as they say in the internet
chat rooms!
Even Goanet's wryster supremo, Cecil Pinto, could not
come up with such a comical observation.
Does Queen Liz get a salary?  I wonder if Lakshmi
Mittal and Bill Gates and Azim Premji get "salaries"?
Why does the King Benny XVI of the Catholics need a
salary when he has a LIFETIME appointment and
totalitarian control over the gazillions of whatever
currency you choose to name?  How many Goanetters, who
piously contribute every Sunday to keep many of the
leadership clergy in the grand lifestyle they have
become accustomed to, especially in the west, can
afford to wear Gucci shoes?
Of course this does not apply to the many fine priests
and nuns in the trenches who toil endlessly and
selflessly in spartan and often dangerous conditions,
who indeed are happy with "A place to stay and
something to eat!"
We have come a long way from the manger where it all
began, folks.
"A place to stay and something to eat!"  Indeed!
Internet dinosaurs, click on the URL
and look up ROTFLMAO. 

Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

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