Dear Bosco,

You seem to be missing my point. I'll make one last effort(I mean it 
this time).

When you talk about Goans selling houses, proper healthcare, migrant 
labour, corruption, etc the common denominator in all these issues is 
money or economics.

Hence it is not sensible to compare Goa and Toronto, because Canada is 
a first world economy and India is a third world developing economy. 
You must be aware that,

a)New York in the 1900's was a developing economy as well.
b)Goa gets less than 10% of the money it remits to the Indian 
government, back.
c)Catholic elites excluded, Goans as a whole now have a higher per 
capita income, litercacy rate and better access to healthcare than ever 
before in Goa's history.

Goa never compared to the first world (from the 1900's onwards) unless 
you were a bhatkar. If your bhats were big enough, your lifestyle in 
Goa today will still compare(or exceed) with the rich in the West.

My point is this, please compare Goa with other democratic regions of 
the world today with similar economics and stop these non-sensical 
comparisons with USA, Dubai or Canada. If you must compare the two then 
compare them when both regions were in a similar state of economic 
development. Hardly rocket science all this, just plain common sense.

So I really don't see why you were so amused by my post comparing Goa 
to NYC in the (1900's). Please tell me again. Amusement is often a 
defence mechanism to situations that seem completely beyond our grasp 
or understanding.

Are you also now implying that organised crime is a problem in Goa by 
drawing parallels to the Mafia in Italy. You should be competing for 
space with Cecil on the GT humour columns.

Anyways while the Italians had Falcone we have our "encounter 
specialists"(who are all still alive) just across the border.

Best Regards

Sunith D Velho

Bosco writes:
I found Sunith's comparisons of NewYork of the 1900s with present day 
Goa amusing. Instead of moving forward he seems to be acknowledging 
that Goa is going backward. Never mind crime and corruption in New York 
in the 1900s; Contemporary Goa draws parallels to Southern Italy of the 
1970s, 80s, 90s - with similar tales of the Cosa Nostra & the 
Corleones. Big difference - Goa is yet to find its Giovanni Falcone or 
Paolo Borsellino.

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Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

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