Roland wrote:
Is it any surprise they seek older men?

Aristo responds:
That's why I go for the "Girls", and not the "Women", if you know what I mean.

Roland wrote:
ps: "foggies" - no such word my son, but we now note you are ageist in
addition to being self-admittedly sexist.

Aristo responds:
Fine, fogies it is. Fogeys too. In case you didn't read my post
earlier, I did not admit to being a sexist, but I said I have a number
of sexist jokes up my sleeve. Big difference.

My views on the fairer sex and sexism can be summed up by an excerpt
of an article I wrote last year where the topic came up. Needless to
say, my statements refer to the majority of men and women and neglect
the exceptions.

...We, as men, have been forcing an inferiority complex upon the women
in the form of repression for millennia (through Religion, Laws and
the media), perhaps because of our own deep-seated fears and
insecurities. We'd like to think that women are dumb just because they
can't read maps and are slightly mathematically challenged (4), but
they possess other skills like Multi-tasking, etc. and they can be a
lot more practical and shrewd than men can ever hope to be. Respect
one's gender. After all, one is not superior to the other; we are just
different. These differences complement each other with harmony. Men
think of the future, and Women think of here and now. Men think
logically and with predictability
while Women think intuitively and spontaneously. Men are the dreamers,
while  Women are the pragmatists. Men have higher I.Q.'s (5) while
Women have higher E.Q.'s. Men sow the seeds of life, while Women are
the earth, water and light to the plant of life. We make a great team.
It is the way Mother Nature built us. Nobody can say it better than
Osho (6) himself: "Just think of a world where there are only men. It
will be so ugly, everywhere Morarji Desai…Morarji Desai…all drinking
their urine, nothing else to do." Having said all this, I would also
like to say that one should not reduce the other to gender
stereotypes. Granted, there are lots of intra-gender similarities, but
all are not the same...

4. Steven Pinker vs. Elizabeth Spelke, "The Science of Gender and
Science, A Debate",
5. British Journal of Psychology, "Men have Higher Average I.Q. than Women",
6. Osho, "Rising in Love"

It is a coincidence that within a month after writing this article, I
picked up a copy of Allan and Barbara Pease's Book "Why Women can't
read Maps and Men don't Listen" whose central theme was exactly
revolving around my excerpt above. I would have surely referenced
their books and works in my article had I read it before I wrote the

Oh and Roland, it is funny that you should call me an ageist,
especially after your views on the thread "Goanets Three Generations".
If I were ageist, I myself wouldn't be debating here with you fogies,
which I do enjoy.  But I do understand your need to discredit me and
other netters, as has been the trend lately.

Mervyn3.0 wrote:
Just in case you are not aware of it, what really drives women crazy
is when you tell them that you are also good in washing dishes.
Believe you me, it works. Every time.

Aristo responds:
Thanks Mervyn, I'll keep that in mind when the situation arises!

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