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        Spread the Christmas cheer - even when you're not here!
          Send Christmas Greetings to your loved ones in Goa.
       2006 Christmas - Two Packages available from EXPRESSIONS

Leah David,

It is time that you spent some moments in your life
learning Portuguese, give up the French. Than dear you
can become an 'Goan elitist'. Stop the whinging.

Pls follow this link:


Selma wrote:
My incident took place at a corporate shindig. The
incident you describe brings to mind a party I
attended hosted by the Fundacao Oriente in Goa.
Everyone there was as Goan as our gaunti dog, patto
ladru. Yet, they insisted in speaking only
"Purtuguese", which my companion told me was of the
variety fondly referred to as "Purtuguese de cuisine".
Since I don't speak a word of Portuguese, I was
shunned like the plague, even though I am fluent in
those other two languages spoken by us lowly
"commoners" in Goa, namely Konkani and English.
I think Goan society is still very elitist, which is
funny really because the most pretentious of the lot
are generally the least educated

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