           * * *  2006  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *
WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 21, 2006 @ 4:00pm

More info:


By Dr Beverley de Sequeira
drbevsequeira at yahoo.com

Christmas in Goa has undergone a radical change, as have most
things in the last decade. It's now a universal holiday which
cuts across barriers of creed and nationality. There is so
much to see and buy, so many things to be made and yet again,
just so much to do in so short a time.

It's not unusual to hear people bemoaning the advent of
commercialism in this season of joy and good cheer.. However,
let's not forget that if commercialism has stealthily crept
into this wondorous celebration, it's us who have encouraged
it. Let's face it: we love the glitz an glamour of the
season. So much so, that most times we get swept away in the
it and forget the true meaning of Christmas.

So what does Christmas mean to the world .. or more
importantly what does it mean to you and me? It is said to be
a time for doing away with the old and on with the new...and,
for most, it's just that! A new wardrobe, new gadgets for
your house, new decorations, pretty much a new everything,
except the one thing that really matters, a new heart!

Lets face it... we seem to have time for everything and
everyone else except for the one Person without who,
Christmas would never have been a reality. Christ.

We prepare in in the season of Advent for the Birth of
Christ. But are we really prepared for the Christ Child to be
born in to hearts?

Advent is more than just a period the precedes the Birth of
Christ. It's a period of waiting. And waiting requires
patience -- which is truly a hard discipline for anyone.
Patience is not about letting life pass you by and taking a
passive stance to it.

It's not about becoming frustrated, irritated  or aggravated
and cursing your luck. It's not about giving up and telling
ourselves that we have no control over what happens to us.

Patience is about living every moment of the day to its
fullest, while waiting. It's about experiencing the joy even
in the mundane ordeals of everyday life and rediscovering the
child-like innocence once again in oneself. It's about being
completely in the moment. It's a time for humility and a time
for opening one's heart to the gifts of tolerance and
perseverance. Above all, it's a time for unquestioning and
unconditional faith in the Almighty.

It's about taking the time to look a tiny, defenceless Baby
in the crib and realize that we have been so blessed to have
received so very precious a gift. Christmas is about God's
love being made visible in the world... and what a world it
is? Filled with greed, malice and hate, torn apart into
shambles by war and destruction. Ravaged by avarice and
intolerance. And yet a tiny Baby manages to change it all!

I often wonder how different life would have been if Christ
had been born in different circumstances. In an opulent
palace maybe, surrounded by wealth and privileges. He could
have, you know. But the virtue of humility is so glaringly
obvious. A King that would go on to rule the hearts of
billions the world over, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid
on a bed of hay amidst humble shepards and animals in all the
humility and simplicity that poverty affords.

Think about what it was like for Mary -- a simple, young
unassuming Jewish girl -- being told that she would conceive
and bear the Christ child. Truly a daunting prospect for
someone so young and from such humble beginnings. In today's
world, centuries after Christ's birth, an unwed mother is
still a source of scandal. Imagine the situation back then.
And yet, braving all odds,a humble girl's 'yes' changed our
lives as we know them today.

Imagine the young carpenter, Joseph, being told that his
be-throed would bear the Son of God. It is the deep rooted
faith and an open heart that allowed these simple people to
accept their roles. Beautiful examples of the munificient
things that happen when man works in accordance with God's
plans. And that in itself is the miracle of Christmas.

Its ironic to thinks that the very gifts that cost the least
are the most difficult to give. Gifts like peace and love.
How often have we seen beggars, lonely old people without
families, street children rummaging through the garbage and
have been move with pity and yet do nothing about it? How
often have we promised ourselves that we are surely going to
do something for the next underprivileged person that comes

And if the opportunity presents itself, how often have we
really kept those promises? How often has our spirit of
giving being on a a convenient sabbatical?

Mankind needs more faith, hope and love. We need to decrease
and let Christ increase in our lives. We need to re-acquaint
ourselves with the child within, in order for us to
experience the miracle and and enchantment of Christmas to be
born in our hearts... and not just in our minds.

We need to realize that since life is 98% ordinary, it is in
those ordinary moments of life that that we are going to serve
God, rather than spend a lifetime looking for dramatic and
extraordinary chances to encounter Christ.

It is indeed a sign of spiritual maturity when we understand
that the ordinary is a vehicle of the Eternal and that it is
fraught with Eternal significance. The biggest tragedy of our
human race is our utter blindness. Not only blindness to the
Truth, to reality and to sin, but blindness to our blindness,
ignorance to our ignorance and insensitivity to our
spiritual depravity.

So this Christmas, don't dwell on what you don't have have,
the missed opportunities, the loss of loved ones, even the
fact that Christmas is not what it used to be in the days of
old. Instead, just hold tight to what you do have -- love!

It's only by opening our hearts to this gift that we can
begin to comprehend the possibilities that lie withing the
human spirit and enable ourselves to dream dreams that will
become a reality. So go ahead, allow Christmas to be about
Christ.. trust me you'll be a better person for it!

* * * * *

Dr Beverley de Sequeira is based at C-678, La Oceana Colony,
Dona Paula Goa 403004. Mobile: 9823578820.

This article has been published under the
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 license. See
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