Hi Selma and Melvyn
I am somewhat surprised that this theme has veered on to Goanet. However, for a moment I thought that you were referring to Pinochet, the dictator, who was installed at the behest of the USA and received full military support to oust the democratically elected President Ahende (spelling?) of Chile. Did someone accidentally say, that the USA was keen on democratically elected governments rather than right-wing military regimes?

Among many other places, one doesn't have to be a cynic to see how various South American governments have fared at the hands of the USA if they did not adhere closely to American right-wing ideology.

The views of the left-wing Chavez of Venezuela (re Bush's America) are of some interest on this count. He said on 28/7/06 "After almost 200 years, we can see that the USA was designed to fill the entire world with poverty as if in the name of freedom...the USA empire is the greatest threat which exists in the world today. This is a senseless, blind and dumb giant, who does not know the world, does not know human rights, and does not know anything about humanity, culture, conscience, or consciousness."

I think we have to take Chavez with a pinch of salt for he may not be entirely right about America. However, after innumerable assassination attempts on his life as well as on his associate Fidel Castro, by the USA, one may have some sympathy for those standing against the great hegemon, the USA.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mervyn Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The mess that is Goa/response to Mario
Carvalho  wrote:
Many a dissident has been executed simply because a dictator didn't like his "tone". This excuse factors in that no other tangible reason need be given.

This sort of reminds me of what is going on in Guantanamo Bay. Children being detained for years with no reason nor with any charge.

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