Thank you very much JoeGoaUK!
As usual you are the first one to show us live the video clips of all things Goan! Goan scenes, Festa Music, Hindi Bollywood music, Goan fruits, flora and fauna!
You are doing a great job for us hungry-for-Goa Goans!
Tuje vhodd upkar ami attoittat!

Also Jerome Mendes has done a lot for common Goans like us as far as our Konkani culture and Goan music is concerned. In fact I had visited him in 1999 at Leonara's where Lorna' Show was going on and that's where I met Lorna in person, and which led to the production of my Konkanni sold-out CD "Classic Goa" . You can see a group of Goan Teatrists any time at Leonora's. Jerome's wife Leonora is a big patroness of Konkanni Theatre. Also Jerome was the first to buy 2 copies of my novel, "The Sixth Night" when it was published in 2004 and he came personally to my brother's house in Miramar to buy. Such is Jerome's love for GOA. Also when you mentioned about the famous Goan trumpetters, I was really proud to read about Felly, a great Goan trumpetter who embellished my "Classic Goa" CD with his powerful last trumpet play. I was sad to hear about his death soon after.

Dear JoeGoaUk, I watched the beautiful video clip of "Mollbavoilo Dou" by beautiful Bushan, who looks fantastic sitting in that vhoddem and singing the song the way Molly sang it but with a different voice and tone,remminiscent of that nostalgic, Amchem Noxib" .
THanks again JoeGoaUK.
And to all Goa lovers, please buy this VCD and sing at your homeor Club on that Karaoke.
Viva Goa!
And Merry Xmas to all and a Happy New Year 2007

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