
--- Philip Thomas wrote: Quote
> "How does one break the vicious circle and begin to
> make progress. People like me are not worried about
>>concrete jungles cropping up everywhere in a
> decade or so. What we want is clean beaches, smooth
> roads, smooth sidewalks, garbage collection, no
>>littering, good drainage, electricity and water
>>24x7, no beggars, no stray animals, etc etc here
>>and now.
> Why is all this so dependenton elected politicians?
>>What are the average officers, employees,
>>contractors etc  doing? Maybe if the airport is
> demilitarised everybody will stop the tiatr of the
>>absurd and do genuine work." UNQUOTE

NASCI CALDEIRA Adds:  I agree with all that Phillip
says and here is more.
1) 'Uninterrupted 24/7 Electricity and Water' is the
Key to Progress on all fronts!
2) I also add 'Zero tolerance' for Hawkers of all
types everywhere and at all times!
3) Also 'zero' tolerance for Animals on Beaches, other
Tourist Spots and Roads and Rail of course! If animal
lovers object then just collect these animals and post
them to their homes or their enclosures! It's as easy
as that.

Please note that it is not always the Politicians that
are the cause of mal function or non or bad governance
in Goa or for that matter in India!
 It is the totally incompetent bureaucracy, their
methods of execution of plans and projects,  is at the
the 'core' of mal function.

The Electricity Supply problem which has been with Goa
since inception, can only be resolved by 'privitising'
the transmission and distribution system! I have
advocated this earlier with reasons, but has been
The more the breakdowns the more the 'overtime' these
linesmen get!!! 
However the Controlling Authority for this enforcement
must be a Public Independent Authority and

The same is with Water Supply! Why are the Pipelines
bursting and other causes of water supply failure??
good continual water supply then the tanker wallaws
will be out of work. And so on, this type of blackmail
and suffering for the residents and Tourists in Goa
goes on! Sorrowing lies my Land!

Also there has to be 'Discipline' on the Beaches! The
Beach Beds should not be in the way of easy access to
the water side beach aera for strolling and or wading.
No fake massagers/ masseuses or astrologers and
hawkers and acrobatic performers, dogs, elephants and
snake charmers etc should have any foot hold on the
beach! They can ply their wares away from the beaches
in properly designated places and the local Panchayats
should be held totally responsible for upholding this.

It's funny that officialy in Goa, a PWD road is
suposed to just a min.of six meters wide; and that too
with the contractors getting away with it the actual
road built is only five metres wide and tarred! Even
two bullock carts can not ride side by side on a six
metre wide road without slowing down or colliding! Why
should all PWD roads not be a min. of TEN meters wide
and with a parking lane and service lane in tourist
areas and other important places like markets and
shopping places, and Public Offices etc.?

 The govt of Goa just has to ensure these above
minimum facilities and enforce them; This does not
need too much money in budgets but just discipline
honesty and Competency!

Do all of the above first and then only entertain the
ideas of more hotels, buildings of residence and more
tourists' enticement. For now the advertising bluff
for tourists should stop forthwith! Do not take the
tourists for a ride. When ever I come to Goa I am a
Tourist even though Deshi born; and I am complaining
of being 'fleeced' by transport system that is non
existant so to say; of power failures and low voltages
etc that are destroying my laptops and electronic
devices that I may be bringing along! Then there is
the pollution with burning refuse dumps in towns like
Margao etc. and even right next to the Police Station
and High Schools. What a SHAME! The Goa Govt is
collecting additional tax from tourists for 'this
failures extravaganza'! How much more STUPID can any
Govt. be??

Please Call off the Bluff and now! Get working man or
resign your jobs, ( all the bureacrats who are not
doing or not competent in doing their job.) and go
swim out into the deep oceanand drown yourselves!
 More later! End now hoping this tamasha in Goa will
come to an end, one day soon! 
Concerned but Disgusted!

Nasci Caldeira
Melbourne Down Under. 

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