For those enquiry about Dr. Carmo D'Cruz and his
initiative at Indian hockey - here's an archive
article at Bharathiya Hockey (June 2006 issue):

Carmo D'Cruz is this edition's Visitor of the Month.
Carmo has suggested an innovative concept to raise
awareness for Indian hockey. Here's Carmo in his own

I am Dr. Carmo D'Cruz, a former hockey player from
India in the 70s, now residing in the US. I played for
Bombay in the Junior Nationals in 1975, and also for
Indian Airlines, and attended the Combined
Universities camps in NIS Patiala and Bangalore in the
late 70s. I still keep in touch with my former coach
Balbir Singh Sr and others in India. 

I read with interest the recent ranking of the Top Ten
Sardars of Indian hockey. I was happy to know that my
former coach, Balbir Singh Sr., was selected to be at
the top of that list.

Such lists may may play their own role in India
regaining its past hockey glory. We need Indian hockey
fans, officials and the active Indian hockey players
to get used to the practice of competitive ranking by
position, without protests, boycotts, etc. 

Competitive ranking will also ease the pressure on the
national selectors, who usually get to see the players
only for a few weeks at national tournament and
camp/selection trials. With the press and media
publicity involved, selectors at the various levels
may not easily show favouritism and bias based on
caste, colour, creed and so on. The ranked players
will also be pressured to maintain top physical
fitness and form throughout the year in order to keep
their ranking.

To initiate a Hockey Renaissance in India by creating
excitement and regional pride for hockey all over
India, I recommend that the following 'Top 11 Player'
lists (by position) be created:

Lists by Religion

Top 11 Muslim hockey players of (pre-partion and
post-partition) India 
Top 11 Hindu hockey players of India 
Top 11 Christian (Anglo Indian, Goan and others)
hockey players of (pre-independence and
post-independence) India 
Top 11 Sikh hockey players (already compiled) 
Lists by Region 

Top 11 Kodava/Coorgi hockey players of India 
Top 11 South Indian hockey players of India 
Top 11 North-Eastern (e.g., Manipuri) hockey players
of India 
List by Race

Top 11 Tribal (Santhals/Munda/Oraon) hockey players of

List by Decade

Top 11 Players of the 1930s, 1940s, etc.

Lists by City

Top 11 Bombay hockey players, etc.

Lists by State

Top 11 hockey players from Punjab, from Goa, and so on
for each state of India

Such lists would include all-time greats like Dhyan
Chand, Balbir Singh Sr., Leslie Claudius, Leo Pinto,
the late goalkeeper Shankar Lakshman, Udham Singh, A.
I. S. Dara, Inam-ur-Rehman, Aslam Sher Khan, B. P.
Govinda and M. P. Ganesh.

Lastly, we need to put together a list of the Top 11
Indian Hockey Players of All Time, by position. I know
that there may be communal riots as a result of this
list - that is why this should be the last list

Going through these inspiring lists will invoke
regional/national pride and interest in the present
and future generations of Indian hockey lovers, and
they will become cognisant of the Golden Era of Indian
hockey and the characteristiics of our outstanding
past hockey players which we appear to have forgotten
among all these bronze medals and qualifying
tournaments of recent years.

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

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