Why the Silence - II
Savio Falleiro, Borda, Margao
Are the opponents of the Regional Plan (RP)-2011 indeed against the development of Goa as is mischievously imputed by some including certain builders, section of media and some members of GCCI?

NO. The people of Goa are only against haphazard development. They are against CRZ violations, hill cutting, deforestation, human rights violations, uncalled for new satellite townships and SEZ's, usurping of Communidade land and other blatant, unscrupulous, environment and heritage unfriendly actions (most of which unfortunately are direct or indirect fallouts of RP-2011). This was aptly demonstrated by the massive Goa Bachao Andolan at Panaji on 18th December which was attended by lovers of Goa who came unconditionally from all over irrespective of caste, economic status, religion, politics, profession, age, gender and place of birth by leaving aside all their personal troubles, professional work and daily chores.

The silence of our elected representatives (except for a few belated, opportunistic or defensive whispers) has been however deafening. Feigning ignorance on the issue is contemptuous after having signed it in the first place. Similarly stating that matter is sub-judice is not a way out. If the people's court does not want something then why impose it? Why burden our judiciary when experts in various fields have all given the present RP-2011 thumbs down after duly stating the reasons for doing so? Thanks to the national and local media including NDTV and Herald for highlighting the just cause of true Goans to a wider discerning audience.

Most of the few 'supporters' of RP-2011 appear invariably to be either those who have to make appropriate noises under political compulsions, or are direct pecuniary beneficiaries or those who are not true Goans (posted quite recently in Goa to dictate to us - they are blissfully ignorant of the unique identity and ethos of Goa) or are stray 'mercenaries' from Goa who will do anything for personal gains. It is shocking to note that the proponents of RP-2011 are absolutely silent on more important developmental issues like our practically non-existing scientific sewage/garbage/waste disposal system and deficit power and water supply. Is this development that they always harp about?


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