Just some quick points in reply to yout post.
1. Commonsense by itself cannot compensate for serious reading. Commonsense
comes in before, during and after the substantial evaluative reading and not instead of it!

2. The evidence about Hitler being a Catholic from birth to death is derived
from thorough and well regarded historical evidence and not from just some
of the points I drew from the published research. Incidentally, you say that
my views about Hitler were discredited but this is only in your imagination and not in terms of extensive rebuttel you received as from Aristo when he absolutely demolished your arguments on "devastating logic and facts." However, I would be willing to consider your historically unsupported view that, somehow Hitler ceased to be a Catholic along the way. In turn, in terms of your self asserted "devastating logic and facts" I should like you to indicate that, according to you, the 'devils incarnate,' Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden are not deemed to be Muslims or Islamo Fascists as you have been inclined to label them thus. Put simply, if Hitler can be rejected as a Catholic, then the same logic should apply to the two Muslims named above. This of course, generates anothe questio---what did they become?

I also refer to your absurd state of denial that, (because it is true in most faiths), there are indeed rotten Catholics like the Mafioso and Cosa Nostra that the Church holds in hope for eventual redemption rather than your punitive kind of 'eradiction' of such people from your Catholic list. I am inclined to think that, your stance would perhaps make the Pontif blush in embarrassment about your "logic and commonsense" especially as Hitler was never excommunicated by the Catholic Church despite his vile deeds.

Finally, in a fruitful discussion with Gilbert Lawrence, I took note of what he said when I referred (much earlier) to Hitler as a Catholic fascist along with Mussolini and Franco. Gilbert preferred to refer to Hitler as a fascist who also happened to be a Catholic. I informed him then that, I was happy with his well thought out definition!

There are other points I could address but will save them for when I have
more time beyond this New Year's eve.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet Should be Kept Secular/to Mario (2)
--- Cornel DaCosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Selma
For a little while, there seemed to be an eerie silence from Mario on Goanet, but I agree with you entirely on your rebuttal of his contention that, religion and culture are separate entities. But then, with much respect, is Mario's view surprising at all? It must stem from his consistent and repeated view that, he relies on commonsense rather than extensive and appropriate reading to inform his thinking! Indeed, from his posts, (and again with respect) it is suggestive that, he has been inclined to think that, his (non-reading) stance is emblematic of a virtue rather than an absolute embarrassment. Minimally, his differentiation between religion and culture and the way he has made his claim for this view is surely a kind of profound 'illiteracy' to portray on the much esteemed Goanet!
Mario observes:

I see you have once again avoided addressing my opinions directly and are using Selma and some puerile psychobabble to TRY and make some points without citing a single word of what I had written previously in this thread.
Also, let me observe the obvious - facile and
unsubstantiated claims of illiteracy on my part are hardly a testimony to literacy on your part. Secondly, in my never humble opinion, slavishly absorbing and regurgitating the written opinions of others is no substitute for one's own common sense and a logical opinion of one's own.

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