Hi Gilbert
I note your post to Cip.

I am pretty sure that the grandmothers and great grand-mothers would be most positive about their progeny who are "graduates from borem-vodelem universities" because they have been able to see through the fairy tales presented to earlier generations as gospel truth. Most of all, they would be incredibly proud of the fact that, Catholic Goan caste humbug that, many of them had to endure, is being soundly derided as a distinct form of obscene racism with sound unassailable evidence and argument.

Incidentally, I have to say that you are being somewhat mischievous---nobody on Goanet has even tried to "want us to loose the religious identity too: under the guise of being progressive." I therefore challenge you to provide evidence for the point you make above. Indeed, I for one, have on several occasions told you that the last thing I would ever want is for you to question your faith. Further, and repeatedly, that I respect those who hold their faith sincerely. I have the evidence for this and can readily display it on Goanet. In turn, I want to suggest that all you have is some unauthenticated woolly make-believe in your post to Cip.

I hope this will help to start a Happy New Year of necessary enlightenment on a range of issues on Goanet.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <goanet@goanet.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2006 3:04 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet Should be Kept Secular/ to Mario

Hi Cip,
What you have outlined are different sides of the same cube. Yet they are a part of a whole and compliment each other. It is like a human body which has several independent but connected parts. You likely heard the story of different anatomical organs of the body arguing "who is more important?".

Most Catholic Goans (sp. in the Diaspora) have lost their cultural identity (customs) - except for song, dance, food and drink. Many are LEFT ONLY WITH their religious customs (rituals) as reflected at childbirth, marriage and funeral.

Now some intellectual Goans - atheists / agnostics / secular humanists - want us to loose the religious identity too; under the guise of "being progressive". Yet they insists on wanting to preserve their 'Goaness'.

In the above scenario, I often wonder what the primary grade (educated) grandmothers and great-grandmothers are saying about their progeny who are double-graduates from borem-vodlem universities.
Kind Regards, GL

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