Joe Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> .........being retired has a lot of time for
> leisure. He introduced me to his regular watering 
> hole in Mapusa........ a tiny but delightful place 
> called  Mapusa Cabin on one of the side streets 
> run by a genial gent called Peter DeSouza.

Thanks for the info Joe.
Some of us have already heard about the two of you and
your sessions at Mapusa Cabin :-)

Cafa Zuzarte must have been popular before my time.
The first trip I made to Goa without my parents was
for Expo 1984.  

> As a true Goencar, when my thirst buds need 
> quenching, I hold off till I return to the little 
> taverna in my village, on the brink of the paddy 
> fields where the ambience is great, and where my 
> friends Pedro and Forsu and Vaman keep me company 
> and make fun of me.
>  Somehow in such special company, the beer tastes 
> better. And I still keep giving these guys a 
> free round of drinks. I guess I am a sucker for 
> punishment.

Mzee Shenzi,
I think I just found out why you are the only person
who has actually met Mario. The rest of the Goanetters
disappear as soon as they get that "Hey, can we meet?"

> I have popped in at St. Xavier's Restaurant from 
> time to time to see if I recognize anyone, but have
> not had much luck. 

Maybe if you stay long enough to sip some of the
beers, someone will recognize you. And while you are
waiting, perhaps you could figured out a way to get
the waiters there to miscount the number of items
eaten from the plate placed on the table..... 


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