Did he not do good after becoming the CM? Did he not
speed up the construction of bridges, and roads? did
he not clean up Baina? did he not improve Goa's
computer literacy?

Who else in the current cabinet, if not him would
improve the efficiency  of the govt.?

one who throws out a corrupt minister from his cabinet
deserves to be congratulated and not dismissed.

think about it. the verdict we give in the coming
elections will determine how our children will live in
this state.

Cajetan Rego,
Tivim, Goa.

--- afra dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Goans,
> Carmo wrote:
> So I am not really a new fan of Manhoar Parrikar. I
> have known him long 
> before he graduated from IIT, long before he became
> an untimely widower, 
> long before he decided to give up the lucrative
> scholarship opportunities in 
> the US (despite being a world class metallurgical
> researcher in his 
> undergraduate program), long before he decided to
> selflessly return to his 
> native Goa and serve in Government. I also know him
> to be a dedicated 
> problem solver, and a non-communalist - despite all
> kinds of slurs and 
> labels being hurled at him by the Do-Nothing,
> Good-for-Nothing Goan Gaon 
> Goon politicians in Goa !
> Just as he cleaned up the Mess (Eating Hall and
> Kitchen) at IIT Bombay in 
> his own effective, efficient and inimmitable,
> no-nonsense way, l am sure he 
> will clean up the Mess in Goa Governance, all for
> the Greater Good of Goa 
> Dourada ! Goa could not have been luckier to have
> the most highly educated 
> and most knowledgeable person on Good Governance to
> be a Chief Minister 
> Candidate and Goans should sieze the opportunity at
> the polls in May !
> I am firmly convinced that he is the best for Goa !
> -----
> Afra says:
> Mr M Parikar is an opportunist, and opportunists are
> He took over the Goa Govt. when the Chief Minister
> was in Australia. M 
> Parikar and his party did not get the full backing
> of the people, eventually 
> were thrown out, so how can any one in their right
> mind still say that an 
> opportunist MESS Manager, who was managing the
> Canteen coz he was getting 
> free meals and other perks can manage Goa?
> Opportunists work for their selfish benefit.
> BNP is a racists party, Goa is 80% Hindus. (But
> still lost, coz majority of 
> Goans are not racists regards religion).
> If he wants to be the CM of Goa on his good merits
> let him create his own 
> party and win the election and not ride on a Racist
> platform.
> Afra. 

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