Outline of the speech of Eduardo Faleiro, Commissioner
    for NRI Affairs (Goa). January 3, 2007:

It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome the Honourable
Chief Minister and the distinguished audience of the Fourth
Annual Gomant Vishva Samelan or Global Goans Convention in
our capital city of Panaji.

The Office of the Commissioner for NRI Affairs was created
about 10 months ago. Though the Office functions with a
minimum staff of just three persons, I am glad to say that it
has already done significant work and settled some of the
long-pending grievances of non-resident Goans.

Matters that have been resolved include recognition of the
degrees of Goa University in countries where they were not
recognized so far, as in Kuwait, Canada and New Zealand;
authentication of these degrees in Goa rather than in New
Delhi as was the practice upto now; delegation of powers of
the Protector of Emigrants to the Regional Passport Officer
at Panaji for granting 'emigration check not required' (ECNR)
to several categories of skilled and unskilled workers;
settlement of claims of Goan victims of the Kuwait war of
1990-91 whose addresses were not known.

These are a few among the several matters of general interest
which have been settled over the last few months.

         This Office has also been assisting Goans in
         distress abroad. Most of the cases brought to our
         notice relate to persons harassed by their
         employers in the Gulf. In such matters, we seek the
         assistance of our Embassies and Consulates in the
         respective countries, and they do take the required
         action sympathetically and expeditiously.

Some NRGs complained to us that occasionally their baggage
was mishandled by Indian Airlines during flights to and from
the Gulf. We forwarded the complaint to the Indian Airlines,
which informed us that "in future due care will be taken to
avoid inconvenience to the passengers. We are advising our
Country Manager in Kuwait in this regard."

Among the matters we are working at present, I may mention
the Overseas Employment Agency. This Agency is intended to
facilitate and streamline overseas employment of skilled as
well as unskilled technical and professional manpower.

It has been approved by the State Government and we are in
the process of obtaining its registration in the Office of
the Protector of Emigrants, Government of India, under the
Emigration Rules 1983. While the Overseas Employment Agency
is receiving the attention of the Government of India, we
propose to initiate training programmes for Goans who wish to
work abroad. The training will consist of small duration
courses in different areas so that our youth are favourably
placed in the highly-competitive job markets, overseas.

We have received representations from NRGs, particularly
those in the Gulf countries, for reservation of seats for
their children in our medical and dental colleges. The matter
has been taken up with the Government of India for approval
of supernumerary seats. In the meanwhile, we have suggested
that fees charged from NRG students should not be
exorbitant, for the single seat reserved for them at the
moment in the Goa Medical College.

         Sometimes, during their absence abroad, NRGs find
         that their property has been encroached upon.
         However, when they seek eviction of the trespasser,
         in view of the delays in our judicial and
         quasi-judicial proceedings, they are faced with the
         painful option of either prosecuting the case in
         Goa and losing their job abroad, or forgetting
         about their property here altogether.

We have recommended to the Government specific amendments to
the existing laws for the protection of NRG properties. Such
amendments have been upheld by the Supreme Court regarding
legislation in some other States. They must, however, be
approved by our legislative assembly before they become
operational. In the meanwhile, we are working on an
administrative scheme for the welfare and promotion of
interests of NRGs, including protection of their houses and
properties during their absence abroad.

There is a Bill pending in Parliament to amend the
Representation of the People's Act, so that voting rights may
be conferred on non-resident Indians. Some Gulf Goans have
informed me that NRIs in the Gulf countries are not included
within the provisions of the Bill. This is surprising, since
they have the least possibility of acquiring citizenship of
the countries where they are working.

I have taken up their very legitimate demand with the Union
Law Minister for favourable consideration. Furthermore,
legislation of some countries permits their emigrants not
merely to vote in national elections, but also to have their
own elected representatives in the national Parliament. I
intend to bring these laws to the notice of the Government of
India for positive consideration.

We have set up recently our website It is mainly intended to be a
channel of communication between the office of the
Commissioner for NRI Affairs and the entire Goan diaspora.
Yet, this website, with its multiple features, will be of
interest to all Goans, whether in Goa or elsewhere. They may
like to use it as their homepage.

I am happy to see here delegates of the Goan community from
all the continents of the world. This Convention will have
plenary and interactive sessions. The plenary will be
addressed by HE the Governor, the Hon Chief Minister, senior
officials of the Government of Goa, Heads of Division in the
Ministry of External Affairs and some foreign diplomats, as
well as representatives of the Goan diaspora.

The interactive sessions will be held at the Secretariat and
will be addressed by our Ministers. The delegates will have
an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications on
matters pertaining specifically to the NRGs at these
interactive sessions. At my request, the ministers have
kindly agreed to keep a record of the proceedings and to
fulfill the assurances given by them within a reasonable
period of time.

I do look forward to a fruitful convention. I wish the entire
Goan family and all our distinguished guests a very happy and
prosperous new year. (Circulated via Goanet)

by R R Dash, Head of Division (CPV) and Chief Passport
Officer, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. * 1130
Release of audio CDs on traditional music of Goa * 1150 Vote
of thanks by Dr Dilraj Kaur, IAS, Special Secretary (NRI
Affairs) * JAN 4, 1015 Presentations by British deputy high
commissioner in Mumbai Ms Vicki Treadell; Sultanate of Oman
charge-de-affairs Said Salim al Sinawi; America Division
director Ministry of External Affairs Santosh Jha; EW head of
division Ministry of External Affairs Sujata Singh. JAN 5
1020 Awards to eight recipients of the Global Goans
Achievements Award. 1830 Rene Barreto, NRI of Goan origin, to
thank Governor of Goa on behalf of the delegates.

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