God is an invisible force a source of love. He has not put any restrictions on human beings and have told us to preach the gospel. God had given us one commandment Love your neigbour as we love ourselves. When God was not able to communicate fully to us He sent us His only son Jesus.The seminary and philosophy and theology has been started now by the catholic church. Anyone can study theology if it is freely taught to us. There are three books of theology. The first book teaches us all about the cathesim we learn like the meaning of God and trinity, I believe etc etc. Many writers have expressed that you need theology to preach the word of God. In fact I have noticed that many lay people from other denominations preach better than priests and it is the priest themselves have spread rumours that these preachers are fake etc etc.Let us take a few examples.There were lots of street children in Mapuca. They used to sell plastic bags in the market and sleep in the open. Lots of clergy, catholics must have seen them sleeping in the open in the hot sun and rain. The believers started El Shadai in Cotula Saligao and collected all these street children and gave the boys shelter over there and another El Shadai in Assagao for the girls. These children go to school and are looked after by the brothers of El Shadai. Is this not what Christ taught us? Are we not supposed to see to our brethrens? I hear Benny Hinn preaching. He is so forceful that I love to listen. I have heard priests telling us not to switch on the Miracle Net the teachings are false.I have heard priests telling stories in the sunday homily and rarely touch the word of God. There are volumes to be written. I am a Roman Catholic and have not joined any other denomination but I feel what we are learning from the church is not in accordance to the teaching of Jesus our founder. The statues in churches, money boxes kept before each statue speaks of greed .

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