The Go Goa Push. Wet inside!
Creative planning involves pushing tourists away, in the right direction
By Cecil Pinto

This week we interview Fatima de Sa, Chairperson of Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC), which oversees all long and short term planning for Goa tourism.

Cecil: Tell me broadly what is the direction in which Goa tourism is headed?

Fatima: Briefly, our motto for the next few years is, "Wet inside!"

Cecil: Whaaa?

Fatima: It is a slogan coined from a combination of our two major thrusts, Monsoon Tourism, which involves encouraging people to visit Goa in the rains, and Hinterland Tourism that encourages tourists to visit the interiors rather than the beach belt and conventional touristy areas. Our Creative Department came up with the slogan "Wet inside!" after a lot of brainstorming. And also a campaign logo - a coconut which too is 'wet inside'.

Cecil: And how exactly are you promoting the "Wet inside!" drive?

Fatima: As you know in any marketing or promotion there is a combination of 'pull' and 'push' efforts. The 'pull' involves making Hinterland and Monsoon tourism desirable by attracting tourists using creative promotional campaigns. Simultaneously the 'push' would involve giving the travel industry in India and abroad incentives to sell Goa's hinterland and monsoons. Our Creative Department had a brainstorming session and decided to eliminate the 'pull' effort completely.

Cecil: I guess that's why the regular GTDC adverts are totally uninspired and have atrocious errors in English? Glad to know it's part of a planned move to repulse tourists from visiting during peak season.

Fatima: Yes, and in addition we have given a different dimension to the 'push' angle of promotion. We have decided to push people away from the beaches and into the hinterland. We will push them away from the peak-season period and into the monsoons. Our entire campaign hinges around this pushing away.

Cecil: Like how?

Fatima: For example we have intentionally kept less lifeguards, and absolutely no life saving motorboats, on the beaches. Our Creative Department, after another brainstorming session, came up with the slogan "Why risk your life on the beach? Drown your worries in the interiors". You see Goa has miles and miles of scenic river waterways. We want tourists to appreciate these water bodies too, and not just drown on the beaches.

Cecil: Interesting. What else have you done?

Fatima: You know the peak peak season is from 22nd December till 4th January. Now we want people to keep away during this time and come during the off-season. So we have made sure that traffic arrangements are very bad during these peak days, especially in the busy areas like Panjim and Calangute. You will see tourists in traffic jams that are miles long with no traffic police in sight. The few traffic cops we do depute are instructed to be pro-active in giving challans, rather than regulating traffic. Hopefully such bad experiences will make the tourists come off-season time next year.

Cecil: What has been the response from the tourism industry, considering the fact that it is overwhelmingly privately owned?

Fatima: The response from South Goa has been very encouraging. In fact the taxi drivers there have started some unique initiatives of their own to push tourists away from peak time and away from the beaches. They have started threatening and even hammering up tourists in mini-buses and coaches chartered by starred hotels to transport guests. And also they force passengers who hire their cabs to visit the ubiquitous Kashmiri handicraft emporiums. Actually speaking between the South Goan taxi drivers and the Kashmiri vendors our 'push' project has been very successful. More and more regular tourists are returning to North Goa despite the South having much better, and uncrowded, beaches. But we have to work harder. We don't want them going North, we want them going East into the interiors of Goa. Or going away, and coming back in the rains.

Cecil: The North Goan tourist industry is not co-operating with your 'Wet inside!' push initiative?

Fatima: No they are not! They keep treating tourists well. They offer products and services at reasonable rates. They are polite to tourists and don't rip them off. Just tell me why would a tourist go away and return in the monsoon if everything's ok during peak season? Unless they pull up their socks the North Goans will be making so much money in the peak season that they can close down off season.

Cecil: Interesting. These brainstorming session that your Creative Department has, and comes out with these genius ideas and slogans, when and where are they held? And who exactly constitutes the think-tank?

Fatima: Well we have this ad agency guy for ideas, and this female journalist for slogans and event names. Other than this we have experts from our departments and their families. We normally have these brainstorming sessions over a weekend at a five star beach hotel, once a month from October to May.

Cecil: Shouldn't you be having these sessions in the interiors instead of at the beach? Shouldn't they be held during the monsoons?

Fatima: What interiors are you talking about? Where are the hotels? What decent restaurants are there? What tourist spots have been developed in the interiors? What infrastructure has been set up? It's all very well to speak of hinterland. You show me anything worthwhile for us to enjoy during our brainstorming sessions if we have them in the interior?

Cecil: ButÂ…

Fatima: And you want us to take Government sponsored holidays in the monsoons. Are you out of your mind? What is there to do in the monsoons? What activities or events has anyone planned?

Cecil: But I thought "Wet inside!" was all about promoting hinterland and monsoon tourism.

Fatima: Of course it is but you don't expect the Government to do it alone do you? Look at the history of tourism in Goa. Whatever success we have is because of private enterprise. In fact tourism has thrived despite Government intervention because of smart private entrepreneurs with vision. The present Government is taking things one step further. We will have brainstorming sessions and dish out ridiculously amateurish advertisements and corny slogans. Private entrepreneurs will somehow salvage the scene, as always.

Cecil: Well all the best in your "Wet inside!" campaign.

The column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 4th January 2007

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