Is it Rs. 250 now? I thought it was Rs. 170, which is
what is still being claimed on their website. Are
there any more hidden charges? 

Thousands of people attending is precisely what I am
talking about. This enormous volume of customers is
generated by false advertising of miracle cures. It
also brings in a healthy stream of donations, which
would never have been as robust without the lure of

Attending the retreat would not convince me that the
laws of nature are being routinely violated at this
chosen place, that these specially gifted charismatic
preachers possess some unearthly telepathic powers
which enable them to remote-sense the healing process
occurring within the human body. I have seen my share
of godmen, televangelists, faith healers and psychics
perform miracles before live audiences on TV, and in a
couple of instances, in person. I have read how many
of them have been exposed as frauds when the bright
light of scientific scrutiny was shone upon them.

What would convince me is actual scientific evidence
of an AIDS patient being miraculously cured or a
congenitally defective heart beating inside the chest
cavity of a child being preternaturally repaired -
physical evidence obtained by undertaking a thorough
medical examination before and after a retreat using
objective diagnostic methods.

Those who feel that this is all about spirituality
should ask themselves: Would this place attract up to
20,000 people from far and wide, many of them poor,
every week, if miracles had not been used as a
promotional tactic?

Why don't the spiritually inclined simply throng to
our beautiful churches and temples, instead? They do
not charge any fee. Mental patients are not prevented
from entering their premises. The priests who offer
services  there do not ask anybody to disclose any
details about their personal health. No false hopes
are touted or sold there. No frills or gimmicks. Just
pure faith! That is how it should be.



--- Gllenda Viegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Retreat at Pota really bring spirituality to
> oneself. The registration fee 
> which includes lodging and food is just around two
> hundred and fifty for all 
> the days. Thousands of people attend the retreats
> while several others help 
> in the organisation. The environment makes one feel
> for God and many cures 
> do take place. One should not write anything against
> these retreats without 
> attending the same. These retreats are attended by
> people of all religions. 
> I request Santosh Helekar to attend these retreats
> and then write what ever 
> he wants to write
> Yours faithfully
> Glenda Viegas

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