On 06/01/07, Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Some Goanetters had a field-day with Mario's post on the Iranian President's remarks 
about Hitler.  Given Mario's past writings, nobody can accuse Mario of being an 
anti-Semite. The response to Mario's post highlight my point of "reading what is 

Mario's point in his post was that many people write all sorts of opinions. Just because 
it is written, (even by a  person of responsibility) does not validate what is written, 
and is not necessarily correct.  I recently wrote to some friends about recent history by 
a "witness" to the history. I will post it on Goanet (for some feedback and 
humor) since it is along the same vein as Mario's post.

General Alexander Haig served six Republican presidents in high positions, 
including chief of staff in the White House, Supreme NATO commander, and 
foreign secretary. He claims in his recently published book, that the 
neo-conservatives (neo cons who started Iraq war) are really (conservative) 
Democrats who switched sides and high jacked the foreign policy establishment 
of the Republican Party.

How many people believe this?

RESPONSE: Yes, I for one truly believe this ! They are still looking
for W.M.D.; failing to find them within a reasonable time, they
switched tack and declared 'wasn't it nice' to get rid of Saddam'
(regime change).

Now we have a boiling cauldron, with potential fateful implications
for the whole of the Middle East. The first Christians of the Church,
have to leave the Middle East, thanks to Bush and Blair ! How's that
for starters ?

Those bloody neo con democrats!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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