--- Sunith D Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cecil,
> No need to worry about Selma this time. She has made
> it quite clear 
> that she considers other goan women insipid.
> No we know why no one will talk to her at Goan
> events.
> Regards
> Sunith Velho

Dear Sunith,

I was wondering who would take the bait on that one
:)) As for no one talking to me at Goan events, your
penchant for hyperbole and extrapolation is superb. 

I think I said I find the women insipid, I find the
men positively charming and I've never had any
problems with getting them to talk to me. Not only can
I discuss the GDP of Brazil but I can dance a mean
Mambo No. 5 as well :)

Take care and have a good one, we've got snow up here.

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