                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

    This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Who stirred this issue up and moreover last year as they must have realised 
that elections are due in 2007 so there has to be an issue on the election 
manifesto whichever party it may be.

Who can give us the chronology of facts and events that transpired right 
from the time this issue was raised up till de-notification of the plan.

All i can recall, is  Babush resigned, Churchill and his gimmicks, save goa 
movement, can't recall if Parrikar was playing from somewhere else, 
De-notification etc Just hope there is no Political motive behind this 
regional plan if so then what?

There has to be a political hand in any issue for causing unrest and the 
citizens at times or most of the times do not understand the issue and just 
go by what they are told to do not knowing whether it's right or wrong.

The save goa movement did very well with the help of Goenkars, but the 
battle is not yet over , it has just begun we ought to wait and watch .

Just pray that Dr.Oscar Rebello is not being used by some politicians for 
their own political reasons as elections are nearing.

Lord have mercy on us.


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