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                  Say "I Love You!" in style this year
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Dear Eugene,

First and foremost I am not an anti-NRI person. I have both family members 
and friends all over the world...and I love them no less. Having said that, 
I admire Goan people [by birth or descent] who are willing to make a 
sacrifice economic prosperity to be here in Goa to stem the tide of 
de-Goanization that will soon overwhelm us. There is no point crying over 
spilt milk. The time to act is when the milk is on the boil. Goa is on the 
boil right now. The SAVE GOA Campaign has inspired people in Goa to come out 
of their cozy cocoons and speak out or stand up for their rights. The 
Regional Plan 2011 is being de-notified from the date it was notified. There 
is a lot of work to be done. Many hands make light work.

I am not taking pot shots at NRIs. There are petty guys who enjoy that. I 
hope you do not count me among them. However, I do appreciate people like 
Principal Dr. [Fr.] Antonio Nicolau Pereira who came back from Maryland-USA 
to teach in a village called Bastora in Goa, Prof. George Moraes who did not 
go abroad, Dom Moraes who came back in his sunset years. They are no more. 
Victor Rangel Ribeiro spends half the year in Goa [in the other half he is 
in USA] helping budding writers and journalists, moving in Goa and writing 
about issues that concern us. Remo came back and put Goa on the Pop Music 
map. He also helped other singers to rise. Hema Sardessai is an example. He 
lends his voice and name to causes. Wendell was not born with a silver spoon 
in his mouth. He is doing his bit for Goa. Dr.Claude alvares is neither of 
Goan parentage nor born in Goa but doing tremendous work here. So is Heta 
Pandit. Dr.Ajit Shirodkar was born in Vengurla, studied in Purdue, worked in 
Mumbai but is doing great things as a resident of Goa. The Cacora born Mr. 
P.G.Kakodkar worked all his life outside Goa but is helping to keep Goa 

I have no further comment to offer on your references to Adv. Aires 
Rodrigues or writer- journalist Tony Martin [Anthony Barreto, actually]. 
Both of them have been abroad for short stints. Both of them have been 
discussed on the Goanet quite a few times.

It is no big shake if one is a Goan residing in Goa. What matters is what 
one is doing for Goa. If one is only amassing wealth at the cost of the 
welfare of the state, I would rather that they do it elsewhere ...and see if 
they can get away with it.

Marlon Menezes, George Pinto, Herman Carneiro, Dr.Santosh Helekar, 
Constantino Hermanns Xavier, Gasper Almeida and others are NRIs who work for 
the welfare of Goa.A true Goan is one who has the goodness of Goa and the 
welfare of Goa at his/her heart.

It is easiest to be a part of the movement to keep Goa Goan if one is a Goan 
in Goa. All voids are filled either by the non-Goan or worse, by the 
anti-Goan who treats our Motherland as a piece of Real Estate or speculative 
investment opportunity. They are no better than the Russian Mafia that has 
over-run parts of Pernem and have the audacity to put sign boards on the 
shacks that read "No Indians, please" as if the word "Please" makes the 
signboard decent!!

As anyone who knows me in flesh and blood will acknowledge, I am no armchair 
critic. I am not an easy to get along person , either. I insist that one 
puts his money where his mouth is and does things that one feels need to be 
done. I had offers to go abroad to USA and UAE and there is one which I am 
considering right now...to Afganistan in an agriculture mission. Goa gets me 
first. Everything else can wait. Ask anyone in my family, they will tell you 
that they are a second priority. Home is whaere the heart is. My heart is in 
a clean and green Goa. So I must stem the tide of pollution...of thought, 
word and action....to the extent I can..... "Jinkum kivam marum" [ Whether 
we win or die]as the MGP theme song told the world during my childhood days. 
Shivaji's soldiers used to cut the ropes after they scaled the fort. There 
was no chance of retreat...no third choice...just two...win or die. That was 
the secret of Shivaji's tremendous success. It is the way to wage a 
struggle. It needs a strong heart. Dr. Oscar Rebello has found one as 
Patricia Pinto did a few years back...to lead from the front....one citadel 
at a time.

Viva Goa.


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