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In reponse to the Anthony M Barreto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  post on Jan
30, 2007:

Mogal Tonybab,

I thank you for the civil and dignified tone of your discussion with me. May
there be many more of your tribe. My responses are under JC

[1]Tony: < I may be totally wrong about Dr Gaitonde's contribution as a
freedom (fighter) but what I find difficult to accept is his presence at a
Portuguese party. A partying freedom figher is a bit too much for me.>
JC: I do not know of the circumstances of the "Portuguese party", and do not
even know IF it was a "Portuguese party" or just a party where Portuguese
officials were present. (Having taken into account that ALL Goans for 2
decades pre-1961, atleast, were full Portuguese nationals. That is why they
needed travel documents to enter India, and they were even denied seats at
some professional colleges because of 'nationality')

Having said that, I appreciate that you recognise that you 'may be totally
wrong about Dr Gaitonde's contribution as a freedom fighter'

[2] Tony: <Dr Gaitonde leaving Goa due to some disillusionment is rubbish.
So also if people chose to live in Goa it is because they are happy with
their living conditions or opportunities for self-expression here or due to
lack of suitable opportunities. If they claim that they live here due to
their LOVE FOR GOA that is also rubbish.>

JC: wrt to Dr. Gaitonde's disillusionment or not ... I ask you How You are
so sure as to call it "rubbish". That is why I ask again: Do you know of the
meeting in North Goa which handed the crown to Bandodkar? Did this have
anything to do with his disillusionment?

BTW: I know lots of Goans who continue to live in Goa .... because they Love
Goa. Why do you believe it to be rubbish?


[3]Tony: <If I am not mistaken Dr Gaitonde did not serve a term in Salazar's

JC: Tonybab, you will have to try very hard to convince me that when a
person is 'arrested and deported', that he is not imprisoned ...but a Free


re: Telo Mascarenhas or Mohan Ranade

[4] Tony: In fact they are two of the genuine fighters.

JC: Would you please tell me on what basis you would call the above
..."genuine freedom fighters"? WHY were they arrested and what were they
charged and sentenced for?


re: Dr. Gaitonde having opted to live in London as opposed to Portugal where
(as Tony alleges) he had good connections

[5] Tony : He took his Portuguese connection to London.

JC: I regret to inform you, Tonybab that (smiley or not), you are plain
unaware wrt much of Dr. Gaitonde


re: the ferry incident where the Portuguese military Chief came to him (Dr.
Gaitonde)and "APOLOGIZED for the behaviour of the Government servants, and
requested the people to board and proceed with the crossing."

[6] Tony : < That was perhaps because of his good connection with the
(Portuguese) army chief>

JC: Perhaps and Perhaps not. I am not prepared to speculate. My only
question was whether one would expect such a situation to occur in Goa circa
2007 with the present military chief?

In conclusion: It is possible Tonybab that we both do not know ALL the facts
of the case (or cases). We can make some educated assumptions but (I submit)
not uncorroborated dogmatic statements.

I too found it very strange that Dr. Gaitonde left Goa after being involved
in the struggle for freedom from Salazar's Portugal. That did not make him
less of a Goan or less of a Freedom Fighter.

BTW: There are other people who did that before 1961 ...way before 1961.
i.e. Dr. Froilano de Mello and Fanchu Loyola Furtado. There are a number of
Goans who have left behind their beloved Goa (some for good). Not all of
them have left for better opportunities. Some left because they felt
powerless to reverse the (impending or prevailing) physical degradation of
their homeland. To those Goans, Murphina's Law was proven right. It is all
about Poixe. Kui!

Trust me ...I know some of those Goans.



ps: am bcc copying this to Dr. Gaitonde's younger brother (do not wish to
disturb him unless he wishes to be disturbed)

with the best of good wishes


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