* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
To Goa with Love - Three unique Valentine Day packages from EXPRESSIONS
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Our Carmo has done more to besmirch the good reputation of those
august institutes than two Bush's could have done for the good
reputation of the United States.

Any more of his posts and the IITs will soon see the flood of
admissions turning into a trickle.

Holding my breath in awe of stupidity.


> Hi Everyone,
> The time to act is now and in the May Elections - After that Parrikar will
> be summoned to Delhi to replace the erudite Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
> and Goa will lose a GOLDEN opportunity to reform its governance forever !
> Best Regards,
> Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
> Goan, IITian
> INDIAN Harbour Beach, Florida

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