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With all this ongoing discussion about Goa's first elections and first 
defectors that has probably been an eye-opener for some, here is an article 
that Ben Antao wrote while working as a journalist for Navhind Times on 
January 18, 1964 at the end of the very first session of the very first 
legislative assembly in liberated Goa.

The article can be found archived on The Goan Forum:

and on Goanet:

What the first session of Goa's assembly did

Ben Antao

Preponderance and petulance over the language issue robbed the first session 
of the Goa, Daman and Diu Legislative Assembly, which ended in the capital 
city last Wednesday (January 15), of much of its interest and importance.

The discussion on the Lt. Governor's address did not touch any height of 
brilliance, though it served to highlight the familiar woes of the people, 
the shortcomings of the administration, military and civil, the rising cost 
of living, the growing unemployment and, of course, an ample sprinkling of 
the members' idiosyncrasies.

Language, land reforms, lottery, panchayats, education, health, veterinary 
services, unemployment, "Communidade" lands, Indian laws, small and medium 
scale industries, tourism,
grant-in-aid code, roads, electric power, housing, rehabilitation of 
political sufferers, and port development were the topics that seemed to 
agitate the members' minds.

While the house was fairly divided on the emphasis it laid on these 
subjects, the overall picture, as emerged from the discussion, showed the 
government in the dock.

Obviously, language will continue to be the bone of contention in the future 
sittings of the assembly, owing to the peculiar situation that confronts the 

While the treasury benches understandably used Marathi more, it seems, to 
justify their demand for the merger of Goa with Maharashtra than from 
necessity, the opposition, most of whose members cannot understand Marathi, 
was naturally hard pressed to follow the proceedings, which is why its 
leader, Dr. Jack de Sequeira, indicated to the Speaker the helplessness of 
the opposition on the first day of the discussion on the Lt. Governor's 
address to do anything but walk out. But the situation is not without a 

The one point that has come home from the conclusion of the first session of 
the Goa Legislative Assembly is that all members, except those from Daman 
and Diu, can understand and speak Konkani.

Therefore, in the absence of familiarity and facility with either English or 
Hindi languages that have been stipulated for the conduct of proceedings in 
the house under clause 34 of the Union Territories Act, Konkani should be 
preferred to any other language, in fairness to and interest of the house.

The Chief Minister made a fine gesture when he volunteered to speak in 
Konkani to ease the intransigence and avoid breakdown in the discussion.

Since Mr. Bandodkar has told us more than once that his party aims at 
winning the opposition over, I should think the best way to go about it is 
via Konkani. It is also hoped that members of the ruling party will not 
speak in Marathi and impress on the opposition that it is Konkani! This is 
not only mischievous but puerile, to say the least.

The address of the Lt. Governor, running into 30 well-phrased paragraphs, 
impresses though it does not inspire. Mr. Mulk Raj Sachdev's peroration rose 
to poetic heights when he said: "The torch of freedom has been lit. You are 
the first torch bearers of the country that has come to this territory, 
after four and a half centuries of colonial domination. Let the torch always 
remain alight and ever burn brighter and brighter."

Undoubtedly, there is a surfeit of poetry all around Goa, if only one will 
look for it. The swaying palms, the surf-dappled beaches, the placid waters 
of Mandovi and Zuari, and the wooded hills are all a poet's delight. But man 
does not live by poetry alone. He lives by bread, in spite of what the Bible 
tells you.

In this, the address leaves much to be desired. Rarely does it seem to come 
to grips with reality. Nowhere does it say expressly that the average Goan 
is better off today that he was two years ago.

It is true that the government has undertaken manifold development 
activities, established multi-purpose co-operative societies, opened more 
schools to fight illiteracy, reconstructed the major bridges to facilitate 
transport, supplied seeds and fertilizers to farmers and brought down the 
price of paddy, taken measures to check the shooting prices of essential 
commodities, established six cottage hospitals in rural areas with a view to 
improving people's health, signed a three-year truce with port and dock 

All this and more the government has undertaken since liberation, but with 
what results?

The prices of necessities are spiraling daily and unemployment grows 
unabated. Roads in rural areas are in a hopeless condition and 
hospitalisation facilities remain inadequate. The cost of living has shot up 
by leaps and bounds, despite the fact that wages are low and meagre. Surely, 
there is a catch somewhere in the administrative machinery.

The Lt. Governor said: "No amount of development is worth anything unless 
the man in the street feels that the administration is being run in the 
interest and for the benefit of the people at large."

Great words, these! Very reassuring.

But the "man in the street" groans and grunts and curses the liberation for 
it. Why blame him? Before even if he suffered, which from all reports he did 
not, there was the colonial regime to heap abuses on.

What is the use of political freedom without economic betterment?

No wonder, therefore, the Lt. Governor's address came in for scathing 
criticism in the legislative assembly.

It was not only the opposition which pierced through the light, flimsy 
blanket the government covered itself with and made perceptible dents on the 
government administrative armour of shortcomings, but also there were a few 
gentlemen on the treasury benches who shattered the illusory picture of the 
state of government that the Lt. Governor painted.

It passes one's understanding how the government proposes to vitalise the 
panchayats by bringing the "Communidades" under their sphere. The record of 
the panchayats as given by the Lt. Governor in his address indicates that 
they are not functioning as efficiently as is possible.

Mr. Tony Fernandes, minister for law, labour, agriculture, mining and 
industries, stated that by bringing the "Communidades" under the 
administration of the village panchayats the government hopes to give full 
scope and statement to the village self-government bodies.

One wonders how the "Communidades" are calculated to give this "scope and 
statement" to the panchayats if hitherto they have been unable to function 
effectively. If at all, this step is more than likely to corrupt the village 
bodies. It is backdoor nationalisation, so to speak.

The ministers, including the chief minister, while replying to the 
discussion on the Lt. Governor's address, appeared to be at pains to impress 
upon the house and justify to some extent the action taken by the union 
government in putting a ban on the Goa lottery. The reason trotted out was 
to save the poor people from the evil of gambling, without so much as giving 
a favourable consideration to the object of the lottery, which was the 
upkeep and maintenance of the hospitals at Ribandar, Margao and Mapusa.

You can trust the government to save the people from suffering, misery and 
misfortune, but not help the people out of them.

It is strange that although the government constituted a rehabilitation 
board more than a year ago for the relief and redress of political 
sufferers, no tangible help has since been advanced to any but for whom, let 
us confess, we might yet not have been free.

Glorious promises couched in soul-stirring language are not enough.

The political sufferer must be made to feel that his suffering has not been 
in vain, which it has certainly not been, by rehabilitating him properly.

Today, the political sufferer is a frustrated, disillusioned person. The 
Chief Minister, Mr. Dayanand Bandodkar, evoked patriotic feelings in the 
hearts of many when he paid homage to the martyrs at the Aguada jail soon 
after taking the oath of office.

Let his ministry give top priority to the rehabilitation of political 
sufferers or else, as a member of his party said in the house, "a serious 
revolution" will brew up.

There appears to be a strong case for giving a better deal to Diu and Daman. 
It is amazing, as Mr. Jivani (Ind-Diu) said, that there is such a shortage 
of water supply, inadequate medical facilities and not even a maternity home 

The redeeming feature of the session was the tactful and impartial manner in 
which the Speaker, Mr. Pandurang Shirodkar, conducted the proceedings. At no 
stage did the speaker appear to take sides, and it speaks volumes for his 
adroitness and tactfulness that he salvaged the house from the precipice of 
crisis caused following the opposition threat of a walkout. Mr. Shirodkar 
has all the makings of a competent Speaker.    (ENDS) 

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