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from www.expressindia.com

Chikhudi makes heads turn  
Laxmi Negi 
Mumbai, February 9: Twelve-year-old Chikhudi Chikwuma has been
making heads turn at school football tournaments in Goa. And he
did the same in the Junior Football Championship, currently
underway at the BTP Ground, Reay Road on Friday. Despite an
injury to his right knee, he scored three goals in their 5-0 win
against Chennai’s St Patrick’s Anglo-Indian School and showed
that he was a class apart in the tournament. 

The Nigerian has been in Goa for the last nine months and earned
the coveted title of highest goal-scorer in the Goa school
football league with 15 goals. The most memorable moment was the
seven goal-haul he collected with his father being present
during the match. Well, Chikhudi is none other than the shrewd
Sporting Clude De Goa coach, Clifford Chikwuma’s son. 

Chikhudi has the privilege of playing in the junior Sporting
Clube team and also practises with the senior team. Chikwuma
Junior nurtures hopes of playing like his idol in the team,
Dudu. He fondly says, “I need to be strong like him.” He also
admires the way Cristiano Ronaldo plays and when he needs any
help to improvise in his skills, his father is always around
like a guiding star. 

The Goa Don Bosco school, Panjim coach Francis Raposo is pleased
with Chikhudi and says, “He has God-given talent, I think it is
hereditary.” While the youngest player in the Don Bosco team is
struggling with his studies, his busy father has to attend to
both his football and studies. The seventh standard student is
pardoned from studying Hindi and Konkani for this academic year
but next year his father insists that he take up French and

Chikhudi admits that there is pressure to perform when the
second name is attached to him, but he takes the fame in his
stride. “The pressure’s more when I cannot score. The same thing
happened here. I scored three goals in the first half, but later
I was marked heavily,” he says. 

When quizzed on the difference between Indian and Nigerian
football, Chikhudi says: “While in Nigeria, there are big strong
players who make things difficult. In India I have to contend
with defenders who mark aggressively and tackle strikers.” 

But he is assured that for the time being, he will stay on in
India as his father’s contract lasts for another six years and
wants to play quality football.

Fred Menezes


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