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Hi Gilbert
There's no love lost. I am glad there is no disagreement between us over 
previous posts. I read your post totally differently from the way you say 
you had intended it and I now accept this.

Re the problem over the doctors from overseas (specifically outside the EU) 
there are many from the Indian subcontinent, Africa and the Caribbean 
affected by the need to now apply for work permits. However, this does not 
apply to those already well into their training, mainly for Royal College 
Membership but this all depends on their first securing a six-month job from 
here. It applies to those whom I suspect anticipated reduction of training 
opportunities because of an expanded EU and made a dash here to beat the 
anticipated deadline. Unfortunately, this has coincided with a sharp 
reduction in posts for reasons of finance with thousands here losing their 
jobs from junior doctor to consultant and whole hospitals scheduled for 
closure. Personally, I blame it on poor management and Blair personally 
especially over the severe shortage of dentists in the NHS. Blair promised 
the earth and delivered zilch re the NHS but still proclaims he has done 
wonders. Unfortunately, it is the small guy who loses out most. I personally 
saw this boil growing over two years at least and had written to two Health 
Secretaries over this period. The boil has now been lanced using medical 
parlance but metaphorically with a bad taste in the mouth.

The key point is that even if the doctors who took the case to the High 
Court had won, it would have been a useless victory. This is because one 
first needs a job to train and as perhaps 250+ junior doctors apply for a 
single post, it is virtually impossible to get a job in the current climate. 
There are odd posts that traditionally became cinderella postings as in 
psychiatry and paediatrics in recent years for different reasons and even GP 
work. However, local grads are taking even these posts now and there simply 
is no space for non EU doctors let alone home produced ones. The numbers 
from Poland alone were remarkably high and this is why workers from Bulgaria 
and Romania (the last two countries to join) have been 'technically blocked' 
for now and there is a lot of anger from these countries too.

My own position re the overseas doctor,  is a case of "buyer beware" before 
spending so much money to get to the UK in current times.

I forgot to say to Dr Barad that Keith Vaz had a greater responsibility to 
his constituents in Leicester, and Indians in UK generally, to see that 
young doctors, many of Indian heritage, trained in the UK, had to get 
training jobs meant for them. In the present political circumstances, it 
would be suicide for him politically to champion the cause of the overseas 
doctors. As he is a politician to his fingertips, Dr Barad's hopes for Vaz 
to act otherwise were forlorn. It was also interesting to note that the 
points I made to Dr Barad were somewhat different to those made by Jose 
Colaco in that, I focused on reality on the ground. For instance, there is 
hardly anything ever in print about consultants favouring older/experienced 
overseas doctors in preference to new young UK graduates. With the former, 
the consultant got the safe pair of hands to allow him to do private work, 
travel to conferences etc---something he would have to forego with 
untried/inexperienced hands fresh from UK universities but for whom he (the 
consultant) had a primary teaching/inducting responsibility.

I have met at least ten Indian/Goan doctors here who have had no choice but 
to return or try elsewhere like the USA. We searched our brains to see any 
way out for these poor souls but all avenues became blocked overnight.

I do feel sorry if I came a bit hard on Dr Barad but this was definitely not 
intended and I hope he reads this. I suspect that he has a family 
member/friend who may have got entangled in this sorry mess at this end.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 2:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet] IIT and IITians
> Hi Cornel,
> I have often rebuked you for not reading what is written. And then for 
> creating a "straw man", against whom you can rail. The point you are 
> making in your post (below) is precisely the point I was making.  You 
> rightly point out the golden days of Britain was when it was "the first 
> ever industrial revolution, which occurred in Britain, was so reliant on 
> technical skills,..." (see below).

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