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On Mon Feb 19 23:53:10 PST 2007, Gllenda Viegas

> Even Christ criticized the jews specially the
> scribes and pharasis what is wrong in me writing
> in this forum for I know many of them read from
> this forum, but have no courage to reply for they
> have accepted what I have written is correct.

RESPONSE: Gllenda, are you now comparing yourself to Christ? Jesus Murphy!! 
I don't know how many scribes and pharises read Goanet. However there are 
several priests subscribed to Goanet.

> The clergy has not replied to my letter neither
> they have said that I am mad. Not a single priest
> have opposed me.

RESPONSE: Whenever I have written to the few priests I know, they have 
always provided me the courtesy of a response. In fact Fr. Ivo was involved 
in a civil and lengthy theological debate with Santosh on Goanet many months 
ago. I found the exchanges fairly enlightening.

> Why are you Mr.Kevin trying to keep my mouth shut?

RESPONSE: K1 (Kevin) is an atheist! A former Catholic by his own admission. 
He is not trying to keep your mouth shut. He is encouraging you to explore 
your own spirituality - not necessarily within the Catholic church. Blaming 
the Catholic church is not going to fix YOUR problems. I think the Catholic 
Church realises the significance of the information age and so we should 
expect further tranparency in its activities.

> Do you agree that to take us to the Lord
> our God we need the Holy spirit and not agape? we
> do not need vatican council or cannon law to go to
> Heaven. These are from earthly king's domain.

RESPONSE: I wonder how many of us (that includes me) really understand or 
care to understand how the Catholic church is structured. Why some beliefs 
are dogmatic and others not. Here's a link that may shed some light and 
possibly lead others to read more. Its all about attaining nirvana - 
MiracleNet works for some; for others a myriad of religions and religious 
beliefs and for still others agnosticism and atheism.


- Bosco

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