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--- allwyntc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, I think the idea of socialism seemed to
> many, at that time, to be an attractive alternative 
> to capitalism...
> I'm not convinced India would have done much better
> with a different economic model.  What, let the 
> global corporate giants come and continue the 
> pillage of the country?  I think India needed to be 
> able to play in the international arena with a
> hand, and while economically it was weak, it was 
> self-sufficient in several areas before we came out 
> to play.
Mario responds:
Socialism is a siren song that has failed miserably
wherever it has been tried, created massive economic
waste and poverty and disruptions in resource
allocation and has therefore been rejected by almost
all its major proponents like India, Russia and China.
There is a good reason for this.  Simply put, a group
of ruling elites and the small army of bureaucratic
controls that results from socialism, cannot manage an
entire economy efficiently and decide what is good for
everyone else.
The massive brain drain from all socialist countries
reflects the failure of socialism, and all the
migrations are towards countries that are towards the
capitalistic end of the economic spectrum, the US
being the large economy closest to capitalism which is
the strongest magnet for immigrants.
The US is an excellent example of a country that
started from scratch with mostly immigrants fleeing
religious discrimination.  It has never been reluctant
to allow people and economic assets from any and
everwhere to be freely used within its economy, with a
minimum of governmental controls, imposed mainly for
political reasons.  This allows individuals, all
following what they see as their best interests, to
decide what they want and need, and the businesses
respond to satisfy those wants and needs.  Its a
win-win situation for everyone, and competition keeps
everyone on their toes.  We are beginning to see the
effects in India, ever since Manmohan Singh was able
to influence economic affairs, which was
euphemistically called economic "liberalization", but
not prior to that.
The concept of global giants pillaging a country is a
myth.  Global giants like Enron and several others do
not even exist any more.  Other global giants like
Ford and GM and Daimler-Chrysler are struggling to
survive.  In the US over 80% of the jobs are created
by small and medium sized bussinesses, not the
corporate giants.  Yet, the US is the most vibrant and
consistent economy among all the westernized
industrial countries, with low inflation, low taxes,
low interest rates and low unemployment rates, and
high private ownership of cars and homes and
amenities.  Low income Americans enjoy a standard of
living better than most middle income Europeans.
Regarding India playing a strong hand in the
international arena, how does being economically weak
achieve this?  It has far more influence now than the
wasted Nehru years.  Back then it was all talk and
pious posturing, no action.  This continues today,
especially among the elite who write for the major
Indian newspapers and posture at social gatherings. 
What has India done for any oppressed country, from
Rwanda to Darfur to Palestine to Iraq, India is
nowhere to be found.
In fact, I blame India and other countries like it for
the mess in Iraq.  They sat on the sidelines and
watched impotently from 1991 on, when Saddam was
violating 17 UN Security Council resolutions to
disclose an accounting of his WMDs, and massacring
hundreds of thousands of his own citizens in order to
preserve his power.  Even when Saddam was given an
ultimatum in UN 1441, and the coalition was massed on
its borders, India and these countries were unable to
convince him to tell the UN inspectors a) whether he
had destroyed his WMDs and b) proof that he had done
so.  Now, they implausibly expect us to believe that
Saddam did not have any WMDs but was willing to give
up his cushy dictatorship just because he did not want
to tell the UN this and provide proof - after
previously raping, torturing and killing hundreds of
thousands of innocent Iraqis in order to stay in
What kind of a cynical and callous democracy is India
and the others that they sit and watch and do not use
their supposed influence to help another country
become free and democratic, after the US spilled it
own blood to give the Iraqis an opportunity they never
had before?  The UN confirmed that 12 million Iraqis
voted in each of three elections, even at the risk of
death, showing their strong desire for freedom and
democracy - out of a total population of 25 million. 
Yet their freedom is being delayed by a few thousand
extremist Shia and Sunni, instigated by Al Qaeda,
Syria and Iran - while India and its friends sit and
do nothing.  Shameful, as history will record.
In fact, I saw a study about a year ago that India was
the original target of Islamic terorism and has lost
over 60,000 innocent civilians and had vast sections
of Kashmir ethnically cleansed by the jihadis.  Yet,
what are Indians most proud of?  Not that they have
done to save innocent Indians, but that the survivors
return to normal within 24 hours.  Total and cynical
and callous indifference to those who die and their
freinds and families.  Too bad for them.  thank God we
escaped.  Until the next attack.  Now, the jihadis are
targeting innocent Muslims in Malegaon and Panipat.
Sorry for getting carried away.

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