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On 25/02/07, Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1: Heard that Nehru had said the words. I heard from many Goan fighters in 
Mumbai, including my relatives, ..

2:  It is the "remark" which Nehru is supposed to have made, but not in the 
way it has been worded.
3: There is no foolproof that Nehru said the words attributed to him.


jc's response:

Thank You Eugene Correia.

If one fast-forwards to present times, we have all kinds of racist (et al) 
statements made by people in position and denied, only to be 'caught on 

The 1950s afford us no such luxury. We have to hear what we are being told 
about those times, and decipher (if we wish) on the balance of 

Impressions that we as individuals develop largely depend  upon our own 
experiences and upon what we read and hear. What was (from your 
understanding)  Nehru's prior experience and information about Goa and 
Goans?  What could it have been? What role did Goans play in the social 
scene in British India and in the UK (in Nehru's time).

You lived in Bombay (like I lived in Poona). What was the sum total of what 
nonGoans thought of Goans -  when you lived there? Did they believe that 
Goans were mainly Hindu and had a good number of intellectuals within their 
fold?  Is that the impression you got when you spoke to your nonGoan 
colleagues and co-workers?.

What exactly might have been the basis/incentive for Nehru to think of Goans 
as other than "cooks and butlers" ?

I ask: If there was a choice between believing your family members (who were 
Freedom Fighters) and a politician, Who would you, on the balance of 
probabilities, believe? Did Nehru tell the truth about Dadra & Nagar Haveli? 
Was he totally honest about Subhas Chandra Bose? I am not sure. I am just 
asking. And Yes, I have learnt to understand that anything is possible when 
it comes to politicians. They ALL (as far as I can decipher) profess to be 
philantrophists and humanitarians. What they practice is altogether 

Mahatma Gandhi fortunately - was not a politician


BTW: Have you any knowledge of any declaration (drawn up by Cardinal 
Gracias) meant to be signed by Bombay Goans ...which apparently was 
eventually scrapped as it allegedly got a very cold reception from the 

One of these days, I will try read Leo Lawrence's book on Nehru and Goa, and 
see if there is any reference to Cardinal Gracias.

Have you read that book, What have you heard about Leo's credibility, Is he 

Once again, I ask because I do not know.

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