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Lusofonia is a movement which links Portuguese speaking nations. It does, 
however, attempt to associate some other countries including India and 
China. It is then a possible platform for the dialogue of cultures, so 
relevant to our troubled times.

Goa was connected to Portugal for 450 years. At present, there are in Goa 
several institutions, governmental and non-governmental, which offer courses 
in Portuguese language and culture. The Goa University has a full fledged 
Department of Portuguese which conducts diploma courses and courses at 
graduate and post-graduate level. These courses are held in collaboration 
with the Instituto Camoes. The University has also a Chair on Brazilian 
Studies. The Goa University has cultural and scientific agreements with the 
Universities of Aveiro, Porto, the Universidade Moderna de Lisboa and the 
Instituto do Oriente. It proposes to enhance its activities in collaboration 
with the Instituto Camoes as well as Universities of Portugal, Brazil, 
Mozambique and Macau. The Fundacao Oriente promotes the study of Portuguese 
language and culture through a wide range of projects in Goa and elsewhere 
in India. The Xavier Centre of Historical Research has been a pioneer in the 
teaching of Portuguese in Goa. It has an excellent library and a fine museum 
of Indo-Portuguese art. The Indo-Portuguese Friendship Society and several 
other private organizations also foster the study of Portuguese.

Whilst Goa, Daman and Diu are the main link to Lusofonia they are not its 
only expression. The Jawaharlal Nehru University of Delhi, the Jadavpur 
University in Kolkata and the University of Pondicherry have courses in 
Portuguese language and culture. Indian business enterprises with a global 
reach retain some staff knowledgeable in Portuguese, one of the major 
languages of the world. The President of the Portuguese Republic, Prof. 
Cavaco e Silva was in India last January. During his meetings with our 
leaders, whilst the accent was on strengthening trade and investment, the 
cultural dimension was not overlooked. A Cultural Exchange Programme and an 
Education Exchange Programme for the years 2007-2009 were finalized on this 
occasion. Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) were signed between the Delhi 
University and the Institute Camoes and also between the Jawaharlal Nehru 
University and the Institute of Social Sciences, Business Studies and 
Technology of Portugal.

During my recent visit to Lisbon it was suggested that a Chair in Hindi and 
Indian Contemporary Culture, funded by the Government of India, should be 
created at the Instituto dos Estudos Orientais in that city. I have 
recommended this proposal to the Ministry of External Affairs. Translation 
of Indian literature into Portuguese and of Portuguese literature into Hindi 
and other Indian languages would be welcome. Indian authors such as 
V.S.Naipaul and Salman Rushdie have been translated into Portuguese and the 
work of Portuguese writers like Fernando Pessoa and Jose Saramago is 
available in Indian languages.

There has always been cultural interaction in terms of art, music, dance etc 
across a common ocean between India and the countries of East Africa, 
including those of Portuguese expression. Such cultural cooperation should 
be strengthened. A structured Dialogue could be held biennially, 
alternatively in India and in Portugal or other member countries of 
Lusofonia, to explore common perspectives on the global issues of Peace and 

Lusofonia connects the countries whose official language is Portuguese; yet, 
the lusofone space is broader. It associates several countries of Asia and 
of East Africa. These are countries with strong cultural linkages with India 
and their participation as observers in the CPLP opens possibilities for a 
constructive interaction among us all.

(The writer is a former Union Minister. This article is based on his address 
to the First International Congress on Lusofonia held in Lisbon this 
February. )

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