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    This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

      If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

                  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 28/02/07, George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Paulo:
> In my interaction with Goan expats in the last 5 years, I have been surprized 
> that a majority (I
> have not done a scientific poll) believe Goa should be separate from India 
> (at least in the
> Catholic community). Some of them never lived in Goa, but strongly hold that 
> view. My second
> surprize has been how easily that view has been passed down to the next 
> generation. All this
> thinking might come to nought and is sometimes only academic discussion. 
> However, a 50 or 100
> years from now, I think mega countries like China, India, Brazil, Russia, 
> America might split up
> under their own weight into smaller entities for political, religious, 
> economic reasons (even Iraq
> may split up). Even within countries, some states like UP have split in the 
> last few years. The
> countries I mentioned did not have the same geographical boundaries a 100 
> years ago, so anything
> is possible a 100 years from now. Over time everything changes.
> The futurist like me wants to ask: what will a Goan country look like?
> Regards,
> George

RESPONSE: My thoughts: North Goa, including Panjim will become part of
Marathilal. South Goa will become Goana land; grass skirt dancing


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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