Gabe- that was five star, evil you !
  'Alleghmaine Uber Alles' meant Germany Above All.  It was
 the supercharged anthem of Hitler's fascist regime.
       Thanks Gabe.  Bet Hit ate pastrami on the sly !     eric.

On Thursday, November 28, 2013 12:30 PM, Gabe Menezes <> 

On 28 November 2013 14:38, eric pinto <> wrote:

            We could take a leaf from Germany: 
>           It is time for our 'patriots' to sing "Bharat Uber Alles" for a 
>change.  German Gabe, please translate.    eric.

RESAPONSE: How on earth could we have India above all - first fix the toilet 
situation or get rid of the dogs and bring in the pigs! 


Gabe Menezes.

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