On 29 November 2013 10:31, Ana Maria Fernandes <amferns_n...@hotmail.com>wrote:

(1) Dear Sir,
(2) Please do not tell me that Goans feel dignified working as bartender.
They are forced to do this. They would not like to work in Goa.
(3) Imagine a doctor going abroad and struggling, or top executive working
for lakhs of rupees goes abroad and struggles
(4)Very few foreigners would like to be friends or talk to goans abroad.
very few I can count at the tip of my fingers.

Dear Madam Ana Maria,

re# 2: I personally find any work done honestly, as a honorable. You might
wish to know that I am happy to be a chef on alternate weekends. I find it
very honorable to do that. Do you have a problem with that?

re# 3: Sure, I can imagine a Goan doctor going abroad and working very very
hard. I hope doctors in Goa are doing the same.

re# 4: I cannot comment on your experience. I can only relate to you my
personal experience. Almost all my close friends and clients are



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