I think the whole case is being overdone.

Look at the facts: 
You could charge Tejpal with sexual molestation and also sexual interference. 
But rape? That is quite a stretch. If the law has been stupidly drafted so what 
Tejpal has done can be termed rape, you are undermining the real cases of rape 
and gangrape that so frequently occur, thus making them look trivial. 

In the western world rape is immediately followed where possible with a "rape 
kit" where a physical examination is conducted with collection of various 
fluids for analyses. No such thing seems to have been done in the Tejpal case.

I am quite pleased that the law is being applied here irrespective of Tejpal's 
power and influence but it is not being applied evenly. Tejpal has to be firmly 
treated but not harassed as is the case.

Have the Goa Police been treating other (even murder case suspects) as remotely 
by the book as in this case. What about Scarlett Keeling and others involving 
sons of ministers.

Unfair and foul.


Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: floriano lobo <floriano.l...@gmail.com> 
Date: 29-11-2013  11:28 PM  (GMT-05:00) 
To: BB Goanet <goanet@lists.goanet.org> 
Subject: [Goanet] Press Note for kind favour of Publication re: Tarun Tejpal    
of Tehelka Publications. 

It is with a heavy heart that GSRP views the ongoing 'rape' charges against 
the Editor of a dynamic publication such as Tehelka where a junior colleague 
is the victim.
Human beings will always be human beings and the animal instinct cannot be 
taken away at best of times, however much it may be  sought to be 
suppressed. But there are societal norms to be observed and clean robes to 
be adorned. 

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