Dear Readers of Goanet:

On the issue that Portuguese privileges afforded to Goans on basis of
their birth, before conquest of Goa on 19th December, 1961 should
remain and automatically flow to them and their descendents.

Laws are made to benefit people and not people are made to benefit a
law.  Therefore bad laws which damage the interest of the people must
be struck down and discarded, just as what the Ministry of Home
Affairs (MHA) has done to Goans by accusing Goans as Portuguese
national and thus seeking to accuse and possibly punish them by
denying them their birth rights of both Portuguese as well as Indian
citizenship. Portuguese citizenship is earned by Goans by principle of
natural justice system, which arising out of been born in Portuguese
India that is Goa. And the Indian citizenship is earned by us on the
basis of our domicile and serving the Indian nation from December,
1961 to date.

No Court of India, can step in and take away the privileges bestowed
upon us because the Indian Constitution was born much after many of us
were born, as in my case been born in August 1944. Hence, since the
Indian Constitution came later to my birth and Goa’s conquest came
later my rights being born during the Portuguese regime must be
protected by us Goans fighting for our rights.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose said gives me blood and I will give
freedom. So I plead upon Goans to fight for their Dual Citizenship
rights and give blood if possible to acquire justice for themselves
and generation to come.

Although we know fully well that treaty was signed in  India on 31st
December , 1974 between Y.B. Chavan  on behalf of  Govt of India and
Mario Soares Minister for External Affairs for the Govt of Portugal
which was ratified in Lisbon on 3rd June 1975.  This should not be
applicable to us.

Stephen Dias, D.Paula

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