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Bosco and Selma,

I admit that my approach to this issue has been curt and migh have cause 
offence to some people. Santosh provided a much more balanced view. The 
point is essentially the same, social factors are affecting Goan education 
much more than the education system itself.

Selma, your argument is purely emotional and unfortunately ignores what I 
initially highlighted in response to Albert and Gllenda, that children from 
the coastal Catholic belts are out performed at school by those from the 
hinterland despite the fact that they are economically better off and have 
acess to good schools.

You do not provide an explanation for this nor have you provided a reason 
for my observation that people from other regions of Goa and India are 
making much more money from tourism in Goa than the locals from the coast. I 
would venture to say that this group of people is the most socially 
immobile(the way in which someone's adult outcomes are related to their 
circumstances as a child) or stagnant group currently resident in Goa.

While Gllenda and Albert chose to blame church run schools for this, I 
blamed the parents and kids themselves.

I did not mention the word Gulfie nor Shippie any where in my post. These 
were entirely fabricated from the huge chip Selma carries on her shoulder. I 
singled out youth who choose to do manual labour via those avenues instead 
of studying hard at school.

There are many people who use these avenues as a genuine career paths like 
the Goan Chefs on Cruise Liners or Officers and Engineers on Merchant 
vessels. They definitely do not fall into the same category, just as Goan 
professionals in France cannot be grouped with the thousands of Goans there 
lifting crates.


>>Gilbert has provided an appropriate quote vis-a-vis
>>inspiration/perspiration. Santosh has provided stats and explanations. 
has provided some insights too. Sunith has been curt. And yes Selma, the
underprivileged don't get an easy ride anywhere. And forever in human 
history there
will always be an underpriviledged class - whether you live in Goa or

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