Dear Nisser,

I have no comments on your article  titled " Mr Chief Minister: Is Goa
safe at all? " . Rather  I would like to express my views on other
part of story, where our CM has celebrated his younger  son's wedding
with great joy, pomp with grand function.
i am just giving a simple information based on my maid,  who was at
home for few hours looking after my house, during my absence in Goa
and my driver who took us home after arrival from bus stand, and some
 I along with  my family members were in Pune celebrating Christmas
with my elder daughter in this year.   Today ( 26th Dec) at 7Am we are
back to pavilion.
 I was totally off from Goa politics for these few days. In Pune we do
not get any Goan newspapers,  neither the local Channel TV. I never
knew about this wedding as nobody mention to me.  I was glue on TV
only with the Modi news, IBN /CNN woman of the year ,  Justice Ganguly
stunts, AAP Government formation in Delhi and  their activities etc, .
Now on my way back home I was told that Parrikar's son celebrated a
GRANDE WEDDING celebration at "Taleigao Babush Community Hall".  The
LALL BATTY? (Red Beacon), Sirens  on  vehicles zooming on D.Paula road
up to his elder 's son bungalow at D.Paula  and the number of
policemen looking after the security of VIP's and other politicians,
bureaucrats etc was quite astonishing.
I am not zealous of his son's luck. It is a practice for every
politician when they are in power to take all the advantages from the
Government. Now the AAP are trying to get rid of this Lall Batti ,
Govt Bunglow, grand vehicles etc Also they have announced in Delhi
that every home 700 litres of drinking  water will be given, lowering
essential commodities prices is in their list, and  corruption cases
of many politicians in the Congress including Mrs Sheila Dixit
Ex-Chief Minister of Delhi will be on top priority and many other
things   etc.  Let us wait and see.
 I am not sure whether Modi, Advani, Vajpayji, Suhma Swaraj, Jaitley
,and others  have attended the wedding. Probably that could be a
reason for a police security force in action.
What I found  more interesting is that my house was well guarded by 3
policemen just in front of my residence at D.Paula, during my absence,
 they were found sitting outside my compound wall. My house was locked
and we were all out of station. I am so lucky to get this kind of
security which I never expected,  whether it is Z-security or any
other LETTER security it does not matter to me.  I was sure that no
thieves could enter into my house when such security was extended to
me during  my absence without my knowledge.  I must thank the
officials from traffic dept, regulating  the traffic on CM 's son
wedding celebration. And in that context I was lucky.
Thank You Chief Minister, and I wish his son a Happy Married Life.

Stephen Dias

On 25 December 2013 10:34, Nisser Dias <> wrote:
> By Nisser Dias
> 24th Dec 2013
> Mr. Chief Minister! Is Goa safe at all?
>             Somewhere in September 2013 St. Andre BJP MLA Vishnu Wagh had
> said, “  pall of gloom has descended on Goa as it doesn’t seem to be moving
> ahead”. During the same time Calangute BJP MLA Michael Lobo had said, “Law
> and order in the state in dismal and needs to be improved”. These statements
> have proved to be prophetic as two months down the line Wagh is waylaid and
> attacked allegedly by the BJP goons armed with iron rods, wooden stouts and
> stones.
>             These two MLAs have been vocal against their own government and
> in my article on 19th September 2013 I had said that very soon Vishnu and
> Michael will not be able to air their views on their government or rather on
> the functioning of the chief minister so easily. It looks like it is coming
> true. Only thing it has come early than I expected. Manohar Parrikar might
> say that he will not tolerate violence and people taking law into their
> hands. But this is just a rhetoric statement because the crime graph is
> climbing higher and higher.
>             Infact Manohar Parrikar should take moral blame for the attack
> on an elected representative from his own party and resign as the chief
> minister of Goa. Because if elected representative are not safe in the state
> under his governance than how can the common-man be secure.
>             The attack on St. Andre MLA is not an isolated incident, in
> March this year a group of RTI activists were attacked in Margao in
> broad-day light while they were discussing Justice Shah Commission report on
> illegal mining. The Home ministry had not lifted finger to bring the
> culprits to book. I had termed it as ‘state sponsored terrorism’. The police
> initially refused to register a case against the accused despite of
> electronic media having captured them on their cameras. Sadly the chief
> minister had called me up to say that his police could not register the case
> for want of a complaint. When I told that the police can ‘suo motto’
> register a FIR he had said that his DGP had advised him that it cannot be
> done, but in case of Tarun Tejpal it is different ball game, where the
> police immediately lodged an FIR ‘suo motto’. Different laws for different
> people. But the irony of the attack on the RTI activists in Margao was that
> even after a complaint was lodged with the police, the investigation have
> not progressed.
>             And the chief minister wants us to believe that Vishnu Wagh will
> get justice, I have my doubts as very soon it will be forgotten and the FIR
> will gather dust. Manohar Parrikar will tell us that he shuns violence but I
> remember at one function he said that he used to dislike Mahatma Gandhi
> because he used to proclaim and propagate non-violence, but now has realised
> the significance of it. I think it is a bit too late for us to believe such
> words because BJP party has been built on the foundation of violence.
>             It is a known fact that the chief minister does not like
> criticism and Vishnu Wagh and Michael Lobo were the only two BJP who used to
> call a spade a spade a spade and maybe due to this reason they were always
> looked at suspiciously in the party. I seriously do not believe that the
> attack on St. Andre MLA is the handiwork of only the supporters of the Tivim
> MLA Kiran Kandolkar as alleged by the victim without the orders from the
> very top. The ‘party with the difference’ as BJP prides it to be cadre based
> and functions on discipline. If this is so it is difficult to digest that
> the party bigwigs were unaware of their MLA Vishnu Wagh would be waylaid and
> roughened up. That weapons like iron rods, wooden staffs and stones might
> not have been the original plan but when plans are handed it down to
> supporters the execution of the plan tends to get out of hand. And this is
> what seemed to have happened. Undoubtedly on the face of it there seems to
> be an element of pre-planning. But it was very obvious that St. Andre MLA
> had it coming and now Michael Lobo has to watch his back.
>             Ironically on the day of the attack chief minister was away in
> Delhi receiving state awards organized by ‘India Today’ magazine for being
> the best in Education sector, investment, infrastructure and macro economy.
> There was no mention that the law and order situation in Goa. Under BJP it
> has dipped so low that it is coming to par with lawless states like Uttar
> Pradesh and Bihar. We expected the Parrikar government to improve the law
> and order scenario in the state when he took over the reins almost two years
> back as he himself was very critical of the Digambar Kamat led Congress
> government on all the fronts particularly on the law and order situation.
>             We expected the BJP government to galvanize the police force to
> provide security to the common man or the aam admi but the bold attack on a
> legislator speak volumes about the governing and administrative expertise of
> the current dispensation. Though I condemn such attacks on anybody, God
> forbid that it was not Calangute MLA as it would be flare-up communal
> disharmony among the people.
>             Having said that I do not believe that Vishnu Wagh can be
> intimidated by such attacks. It will make him even bolder. He has been an
> activist and has been in social life for a long time, much longer than maybe
> most the MLAs.
>             After all said and done we have to keep a close eye on how the
> government monitors the investigation in this case. Whether the arrests will
> be just an eye wash facilitating the accused an acquittal. If the chief
> minister is fair and serious that such incidents should not happen he should
> order the police to start probe into the attack on NGOs at Margao and bring
> them to book also.
>             Send your comments/reactions to Or SMS
> 9422437029)
> --
> Nisser

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